Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #16.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

C: SAT Words 51

  1. character

  2. circumstance

  3. cite

  4. civil

  5. clarify

  6. classical

  7. clique

  8. cloying

  9. cohere

  10. colleague

  11. collect

  12. collection

a. stick

b. coterie

c. accumulation

d. excessive

e. assemble

f. associate

g. quote

h. clear

i. situation

j. polite

k. nature

l. restrained

collector(kuh LEK toer) n.a person or thing that accumulates (for example, a
person whose job is to collect overdue bills, taxes, etc. or a person whose hobby is
collecting stamps, books, etc.)

  • The tax collectorhas very few friends in town.

  • When told that everyone should collect something, Allan replied that he is
    a collectorof dust.
    colloquial(kuh LOH kwee il) adj. 1. normal conversational style; 2. used to
    describe words, phrases, etc. that are used in everyday speech; informal

  • It ain’t necessarily sois all right to use as a colloquialexpression, but it
    would be improper in formal speech or writing.

  • Personally, hearing a person say, “How are youse today?” (meaning the two
    of you), hurts my ears, yet the phrase is in widespread colloquialuse.
    [-ly adv.]
    collusion(kuh LOO zhin) n.a secret agreement for illegal or fraudulent pur-
    pose; conspiracy

  • The court found that there was collusionbetween Daniel and Joy to defraud
    the royal family.

  • Collusionto commit robbery is a felony punishable by jail.
    [collusive adj., collusively adv.]

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