Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

contemporary*(kuhn TEM poer ery) adj.1. living or occurring in the same
time frame; 2. around the same age; 3. from recent times; modern —n.a person
who lived at the same time as another/others; the same age as another/others

  • The first Super Bowl was contemporarywith the Dodgers and Giants moving
    from New York to California.

  • Willis is Francesco’s contemporary,both of them having been born about six
    years ago.

  • Michael Schelle’s compositions are exemplary of contemporaryserious

  • Composer Franz Joseph Haydn was a contemporaryof George Washington
    but outlived him by 10 years.
    [contemporaneous adj.]
    contemptuous(kuhn TEMP choo uhs) adj.full of scorn; full of contempt;

  • Ramses II was contemptuousof Moses’ attempt to free his people (at least in
    the Charlton Heston version of The Ten Commandments).

  • Marie Antoinette was contemptuousof the French peasants’ being unable to
    afford bread when she remarked, “... then let them eat cake.”
    [-ly adv., -ness n.]

Quick Review #20.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

C: SAT Words 63

  1. congruous

  2. connection

  3. consciousness

  4. consensus

  5. consequence

  6. consider

  7. consist

  8. construct

  9. contaminate

  10. contemplate

  11. contemporary

  12. contemptuous

a. composed

b. effect

c. scornful

d. simultaneous

e. build

f. stare at

g. taint

h. suitable

i. awareness

j. agreement

k. join

l. weigh
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