Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story below. Then write a sentence explaining each event in the story in
the story map below.

It was a pristine Sunday afternoon. My dad asked me if I would help him with yard work.
Since I knew that he loved spending his free time outdoors in the sunshine, I decided to be
an agreeable assistant. I love being with my dad so I enjoy our father-son chores.
First, we found all the equipment we would need to mow the lawn and trim the hedges.
Next, we checked the gas level inside the lawnmower; it was already full. Finally, my dad
put on his favorite baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses. I put on my old hat from
summer camp; it was a very sunny day!
Once we got the lawnmower started, my dad showed me how to cut the grass in neat
rows. He mowed most of the lawn as I watched. Then he took the trimmer and used it to
shape the edges of the lawn. It surely made the lawn look neat. After that, my dad asked
me if I was ready to take control of the lawnmower. I mowed the last two rows perfectly! I
couldn’t believe how easy it was to make my rows just like Dad’s. When we were all
finished, Dad said, “Congratulations on a job well done. I think I’ll hand this chore over
to you now that you’ve proved yourself worthy!”



Main Events:


Climax: (Ending)
(Important Event)
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