Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story below. Then complete each portion of the story map below.

I was so excited to go to school on Monday because my mom bought me new sneakers
over the weekend. I picked out the navy blue pair of Skippers myself. All the commercials
promised that Skippers would make me jump farther and run faster than my old Busters. I
couldn’t wait to run and play kickball with the kids at school.
On my way to school, I walked faster than usual. I arrived twenty minutes before the bell,
so some friends and I decided to play chase on the field. I ran so fast that every one
commented. I stopped to take a breath, put my hands down on my knees, and when I
looked down at my new sneakers—I was in shock. My sneakers were no longer blue but a
grimy brown! Even my white shoelaces were stained with mud. Fear struck me like
lightning! I just knew I was going to be in big trouble with my mom for being careless. I
ran to the boys’ bathroom, wet a paper towel, and tried to remove the mud from my new
sneakers. It didn’t budge. The mud had permanently stained my new shoes!
After school, my mom’s van was parked in front of school. I crawled into the van timidly,
took a deep breath, and started to tell my mom about my Skippers. I couldn’t look her
straight in the eye; I felt so awful about my dirty shoes. I hoped she wouldn’t be angry
with me. To my relief, Mom just smiled, patted my head, and told me that everything was
fine. Mom said she bought the sneakers for play. These were my recreation shoes, not my
dress shoes. I was so relieved!






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