Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Paul studied the picture and wrote the statements below. Some are facts and some
are conclusions he drew. Put a ✓by the statements that are facts based on the
picture alone, not his opinions or prior knowledge.

The woman is creating a sculpture.

She is using a power-assisted chisel.

The woman is wearing heavy gloves to protect her hands.

The woman does sculpture for a living, not just a hobby.

She is concentrating on what she is doing.

The woman works long hours.

The woman has a workshop in her home.

She has many other tools.

Safety goggles protect her eyes from flying bits.

The woman enjoys her work.

Her finished piece will be displayed in a gallery.

This is not her first sculpting project.
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