Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Each passage gives clues to the identity of something in our solar system. Name it.

Venus Jupiter

  1. Has mountains, canyons, volcanoes, and
    even seasons. Known as the red planet
    because of the dusty surface soil is filled
    with iron oxide (rust).

  2. Debris from space that’s entered Earth’s
    atmosphere. Heat from friction causes it
    to glow. As it moves, it is seen as a streak
    of light—but it is NOT a star, shooting or

  3. The star nearest Earth (93 million miles)
    and the only star in our solar system.
    Medium-sized as stars go.

  4. Known for its red spot and swirling
    colors, it is the largest planet in the solar
    system. It has 16 moons and no solid

    5. Smaller than Earth’s moon, it has a long
    and lopsided orbit. Sometimes it is closer
    to the sun than Neptune and other times
    6. Called the “morning star” but actually a
    planet about the size of Earth. Covered in
    a thick blanket of yellow clouds containing
    deadly sulfuric acid.
    7. Orbits Earth only 239,000 miles away. Has
    no atmosphere. Its gravity (1/5 of Earth’s)
    causes the ocean tides.
    8. When Galileo first observed it in 1610, he
    called its rings “ears.” They are really more
    than 1,000 bands of rock and ice orbiting
    this planet.


the sun

Earth’s moon


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