Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



In advertising, many tactics are used to help persuade you to buy something. Some of
these are listed and explained below. Work alone or with a friend to find real-life
examples of each. In the box, describe what you found and how it used that tactic.

emotional appeal
(the product will make you look, feel, or
be better; it will provide something you
think you need or lack)


computer that improves your grades.

(a famous person says the product is
the one you should buy)
Example:a movie star telling
you what shampoo to use.

exaggerated claim
(the product is claimed to do more
than it does) Example:
supplement that guarantees thata diet
you will lose 10 pounds in 2 days.

bait or hook
(something is offered free or extra if
you buy the main product)
Example:buy one shirt at full price
and get a second pair free.
























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