Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 98 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

Na m e : ___ _



Read the story. Write your conclusions on the lines below.

Creating a mental picture of a character you meet
makes the character come alive.

The only thing Lisa loved more than horses was competing in shows. She
and Mr. K had won several ribbons. A big show was coming up on Saturday,
but during their workout Wednesday, Lisa’s dad noticed that Mr. K was
favoring his back right foot a bit. Henri told Lisa that he wanted the
vet to see him and to clear him for competition. The vet lived
just over the hill, so Henri called her, and she came right over.
After looking at Mr. K the vet let out a sigh. “I’m afraid Mr. K
cannot be in any shows for awhile. He needs at least two weeks’
rest before he can compete again.”
Lisa didn’t want to hear any of that. While putting Mr. K back
into his stall, Lisa murmured to herself about how unfair it was. When she came in the
house for dinner, she slammed the door.
“Whoa, young lady,” said Henri. Lisa folded her arms and scowled.
Henri put his arm around her. “I know you are disappointed, but think about Mr. K. Isn’t
his well-being more important than a show?”
One corner of her mouth turned up a little. Then the other. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I love
to be in the shows, but I love Mr. K more...and you, too, Dad.”

  1. Who is Mr. K? ____ Henri? ___

  2. What kind of a person is Henri? __


  1. Why did Lisa slam the door? ____

  2. Was the vet a man or woman? ___

  3. Do you think Lisa will be punished for her behavior and attitude? ____

Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________

  1. Is Lisa’s family well-off or not? __ What makes you think so?

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