Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Follow the directions. Check (✔) each direction as you do it.

Whoa! If you don’t understand a direction,
reread it until it makes sense.

❑Color the Pacific Coast States region blue.

❑Color the New England region red.

❑Color the Rocky Mountain States region brown.

❑Color the Southwestern States region orange.

❑Color the Southern States region green.

❑Color the Midwestern States region purple.

❑ Color the Middle Atlantic States region yellow.

❑ Draw a star on the state in which you were born.

❑Put a checkmark on the state in which you live.

❑Put a blue circle on the northernmost New England state.

Pacific Coast StatesRocky Mountain States
Middle AtlanticStates

New England

Southern States

Midwestern States

Southwestern States


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