Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read each paragraph. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

Think about the order that you would wash a car.

Jenny’s grandmother asked Jenny to wash her car. In return, she
would bake a batch of chewy chocolate and peanut butter
cookies for Jenny. First, Jenny went to the garage to look for a
bucket, soap, a big sponge, and a towel. Next, she turned on
the garden hose and sprayed the car with water. Then, she
filled the bucket with soap and water.

  1. What did Jenny do first? __


  1. What did Jenny do next? __


  1. What did Jenny do last? ___


Jenny dipped her sponge into the bucket. When it was completely soaked in soap
and water, she took it out and placed it on the car. Jenny started scrubbing the roof
of the car in a swirling motion. Then she dipped the sponge back into the bucket to
get more soap and water. Once again she started scrubbing the dirt off the roof.
Next, Jenny scrubbed the doors and finally she scrubbed the trunk. When she was
done scrubbing the car, Jenny turned on the garden hose and rinsed off the car with
clean water. Last, she picked up the towel and dried the car. Her grandmother
was so thankful and had a large batch of Jenny’s favorite cookies waiting for her!

  1. What part of the car did Jenny wash first? ___


  1. What part of the car did Jenny wash last? ____


  1. What did Jenny do in between washing the car and drying the car? ____


  1. What was the last thing Jenny did to the car? ____

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