Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Look at the picture, read the story, and decide what will happen next.
Write your predictions in the space provided.

Make a movie in your mind of what you read.
It will help you make predictions.

Nancy was so excited. Her big sister Abby just got her driver’s license, and this was
her first time driving alone. Nancy and Abby’s mom was nervous about letting her
daughters go to the store by themselves. “Don’t worry, Mom,” said Nancy. “Abby
will follow all the traffic signs. Good-bye!”

Abby was only three blocks from the house when she heard a loud siren
approaching from behind. Abby looked in her rearview mirror. It was a police car.
Abby pulled over to the side of the road. She noticed that there were cars passing
her, going in the opposite direction. “Good thing the policeman is here,” she
thought. “Those other drivers are dangers on the road!”

“Miss, stay in the car; let me see your driver’s license
and registration,” said the policeman who was
not smiling. Nancy and Abby began to cry
when they realized Abby was driving the
wrong way down a one-way street. What
would their mother say?

But officer, I was only going one way....

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