Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

Directions: Read the paragraphs and put an “X” next to the best answer. Underline the clues
that helped you choose your answer.

  1. Katie has a crush on Robbie. Robbie plays baseball. Katie and her
    friend decided to watch Robbie’s baseball practice. Katie put on her
    favorite new jeans and six squirts of her mother’s rose perfume.
    There are lots of bees in the bushes surrounding the baseball field.
    Bees are attracted to flowers.
    Bees attack Katie.
    The coach asks Katie to join the team.
    _____ Robbie misses practice that day.

  2. Omar likes to do tricks on his bike. Omar can do wheelies
    and spins, and he’s really good at riding with no hands.
    Omar always wears a helmet. The county fair is having a
    talent contest. Omar decides to enter.
    Omar sings opera in the talent contest.
    Omar rides his bike in the talent contest.
    _____ The talent contest is canceled because of rain.

  3. Philippe has a very vivid imagination, and he is afraid
    of the dark. Philippe’s cousin takes him to the movies
    to see Monsters, Monsters, and More Monsters. It is the
    scariest movie Philippe has ever seen.
    Philippe offers to walk his cousin home.
    Philippe imagines he sees monsters and sleeps with the light on.
    _____ Philippe sleeps in his own room that night with the light off.


Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

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