Reading Comprehension and Skills Booklet -Grade 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name Reading about Science


You may think that whales are just very large fish. But, whales are really more
like humans. Whales are mammals. They are warm-blooded, give milk to their
babies, and breathe with lungs instead of gills. Whales breathe through an opening
on top of their heads, called a blowhole. They breathe out so hard that it produces a
jet of mist. The blue whale is the largest animal living today. It can grow to be over
100 feet (30.5 meters) long and weigh up to 150 tons (36,078 kilograms). Although
whales are large, there is no need to worry about becoming a whale’s snack.
Whales eat fish and very tiny animals called plankton.

  1. What is the main idea of this story?
    a. Whales are very large mammals.
    b. Whales eat tiny animals.
    c. The blue whale is over 100 feet long.

  2. How are whales and humans alike?

  3. Why is the opening in a whale’s head called a blowhole?

  4. What is the largest animal living today?

  5. What are plankton?
    a. fish
    b. blue whales
    c. tiny animals

  6. What do whales eat?

Read the story. Then, answer the questions.
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