Reading Comprehension and Skills Booklet -Grade 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name Reading about Social Studies

Types of Shelter

Shelter is a basic human need. People have always built shelter. The type of
shelter a group built depended on their needs, the climate, and the materials that
were available. Some groups moved around a lot. The people in these groups
needed to have homes that they could take with them. Other people who lived in
cold places had to build their shelter from ice and snow. All of the groups’ shelters
served the same purpose of protecting the people who lived in them.

  1. What is the main idea of this story?
    a. Shelter is a basic human need that comes in many forms.
    b. Building shelter out of ice is easy.
    c. Different groups had different purposes for shelter.

  2. Which two words mean the same thing?
    a. ice and mud
    b. shelter and house
    c. basic and need

  3. Why would different groups’ shelters look different from each other?

  4. Who needed homes they could take with them?

  5. What purpose does shelter serve?

  6. How might the shelter of someone living in a desert be different from the
    shelter of someone living in a snowy place?

Read the story. Then, answer the questions.
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