The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ukrainian Studies28 (2006): 521–42, and his“The Privy Domain of Ivan Vasil’evich,”
in Dunning, Martin, and Rowland, eds.,Rude & Barbarous Kingdom Revisited,73–88.
Ivan as rational: R. G. Skrynnikov,Ivan the Terrible, trans. Hugh F. Graham (Gulf
Breeze, Fla.: Academic International Press, 1981); Andrei Pavlov and Maureen Perrie,
Ivan the Terrible(London: Longman, 2003). The“sacred violence”theme: Isabel de
Madariaga,Ivan the Terrible: First Tsar of Russia(New Haven: Yale University Press,
2005); Sergei Bogatyrev,“Ivan IV (1533–84),”in Perrie, ed.,Cambridge History of Russia,
240 – 63. On history writing after Ivan IV, see Daniel Rowland’s study of authors
reflecting on the Time of Troubles:“The Problem of Advice.”

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