The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Belgrade 32
Beloozero 50, 177, 202, 250
Beloozero, Lake 342
Bel’skiis, Princes, the 149, 210– 11
Belyi Iar 69
Bender 401
Bentley, Jerry 32– 3
Betskoi, Ivan I. 381–2, 434
Berezov 60, 62, 65, 86
Bergholtz, F. W. 436
Bering, Vitus 85
Bering Strait 27, 84
Berlin 446
Besht, Israel 405
Bestuzhev, A. 443
Bezborodko, A. A. 113, 277, 430
Bezhetsk 367, 376, 383
Bezobrazov, Andrei 260
Bible, the 245, 269
New Testament 245, 256
Old Testament 133, 245, 260
billeting 299–300, 344, 385
Biron, Ernst 121, 276, 288
Bitiug valley 163
black earth steppe 23, 25, 89, 356–7, 362, 365,
383, 413
Black Sea 1–3, 5, 9, 14–16, 18, 21, 25, 32,
34 – 5, 42, 44–5, 57, 66, 68, 80–1,
95, 97–8, 103, 124, 167, 296, 298,
321, 323, 344, 346, 357
ports 28, 36, 38, 84, 109, 324, 342, 369, 457
Black Sea region/littoral 16–17, 25, 32, 53, 84,
104, 124, 357
Black Sea (Pontic) steppe 17, 21, 31, 34, 46, 51,
57 – 8, 93, 103, 113–14, 124, 126,
179, 307, 312, 331, 336, 342, 346,
356, 358, 362, 397, 399, 413
Blanchard, Ian 319, 361, 368
Board of Good Order (in towns) 381
Boards of Social Welfare (ingubernii) 309, 313,
325, 431
Bobrov, S. S. 377
bobyli330, 376
Boeck, Brian 4, 59, 72, 99, 163, 356
Boehme, Jacob 413
Bogatyrev, Sergei 131, 149
Bogoliubovo 44
Bohemia 31, 220
Bologna 142
Bolotnikov, Ivan 230
Bolotov, Andrei 433– 4
Boris Godunov (Tsar) 10, 29, 145, 149–50,
153, 179, 210–11, 255
Borovikovskii, Vladimir 440, 442
Bosporus, the 18, 26
Boterboem, Kees 189
boundaries/borderlands vii, 34, 58, 71, 80–1,
83, 86, 88, 93, 96, 99, 101, 103,
111, 125, 165, 167, 182, 201, 236,

297, 306–7, 329, 334, 338–9, 352,
359, 369, 397, 459; see alsouezdy
confirmation of 85, 100, 178
control of 36, 346
protection of 67, 95, 105, 108, 167, 219
“Boyar Duma”, the 137
boyars 10, 57, 133, 136–7, 139, 147–9, 153,
155, 168–9, 177, 208–12, 215,
221, 239, 251, 253, 255, 271, 283,
297, 436, 443;see alsoelite, theand
Brahe, Tycho 411
Brandenburg 15, 17
Brandenburg-Prussia 16–17, 79, 269
Bratislav 122– 3
Braudel, Fernand 1, 33, 65, 179
Brest 37, 74, 407
Brest Union 37, 74, 247, 420–2;see alsoChurch
Unions, Catholic-Orthodoxand
Uniate church (Greek Catholic)
Brewer, John 202
Briansk 13, 51, 165
Britain 15–16, 30, 36, 53, 113, 192–3, 205,
316, 320, 324, 329, 434, 451;
see alsoEnglandandWales
navy of 52, 189, 202, 298, 324
people of/from 80, 180, 188, 198
Brook, Timothy 155, 189
Bruce, James 277
Brunswick, Duke of 281
Buchholtz, Heinrich 275
Budapest 236
Buddhism viii, 2, 36–7, 71, 401–2, 407– 8
Buddhists 10, 63, 96, 287, 351, 397–8, 401–2,
459;see alsoBandido Lama
Lamaist 71, 401, 406
Bug River 103, 114, 298, 344
Bukhara 34, 91, 95, 192, 194–5, 197
Bulavin, Kondratii 72, 99, 167, 335, 370
Bulgaria 34, 105
people of/from 113–14, 116, 336, 357
Bulgars 50, 244
bureaucrats 56, 64, 160, 174, 176–7, 180, 212,
215 – 16, 219, 221, 237, 302, 311,
317, 349, 376, 427, 433, 460;
see alsoofficials
bureaucracy 2, 5–6, 35, 41, 91, 138–9, 156,
161, 168, 172–7, 185, 200, 212,
215 – 16, 222, 257, 277, 301–5,
313 – 14, 318, 343, 348, 382, 415,
457, 459;see alsoadministration
andcivil service
power of the 70
reform of 3, 333
size of the 9, 161, 215, 459
staffing of the 4, 211–12;see alsobureaucrats
system of 10, 173–4, 382
Burbank, Jane viii, 2, 154
Buriatiia 402

Index 465
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