The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ivan II (Prince of Moscow) 210
Ivan III (Grand Prince) 10, 12, 48–51, 130,
134, 136, 138, 141, 148–9, 173,
actions of 129, 260
campaigns of 179, 213
Ivan IV (Tsar) 10, 13, 27, 29, 52, 57, 97,
131 – 2, 136, 141, 143, 148–51,
153 – 5, 158, 162, 180, 203, 210,
260, 276, 281, 397
Ivan the TerribleseeIvan IV
Ivangorod 50
Ivanov, Andrey 412
Ivanovo-Voznesensk 455
Izium 68

Jaffe, Mordecai 123
Jassy 192
Jassy, Treaty of 18
Javorskij, Stefan 270, 277, 410– 11
Jena 118
Jenkinson, Anthony 180
Jerusalem 245, 457
Jesuits 13, 74, 78, 146, 253, 269, 337, 398,
413, 422, 452
Jews 10, 34, 66, 73, 76, 83, 103, 106, 112, 114,
116, 120–6, 146, 288, 299, 331,
333, 359, 385, 396–7, 404–6,
408 – 9, 423, 452, 461;see also
Rabbinical Commission, the 408
Jones, Robert 300, 318, 342, 393
Joseph II (of Austria) 290, 430
Joseph-Volokolamsk monastery 202, 248
Judaism 123, 146, 244, 259, 262, 404–8;
see alsoJews
Ashkenazic 404
Hasidic 405– 6
Rabbinical 406, 408
Talmudic 405
judges (in criminal law) 174, 233, 302–3, 306,
308, 318, 349, 443
Jungarian steppe 401
justice 4, 138–9, 155, 160, 170, 233, 275, 307,
366 – 7, 446;see alsolaw, the
Justice College 301, 349

kabala 223
Kabarda 57, 97, 399
Kabuzan, V. M. 399, 402
kadashevtsy 239
kadi 399
Kafadar, Camal 155
Kahan, Arcadius 318, 321, 326, 328, 361
Kalmyk khanate 93
Kalmyks viii, 13, 58–9, 67, 69–72, 90–1, 93,
95 – 8, 165, 178, 195, 231, 240,
290, 299, 307, 335, 347, 369–70,
398, 401, 454

Kaluga 24, 28, 165, 361, 444
Kama River 32, 51, 60, 62, 69, 79, 90,
92, 144
Kamchadals 64, 402
Kamchatka 21, 65, 85
Kamenskii, Aleksandr viii, 367, 376, 383
Kandahar 194
Kant, Immanuel 296
Kapiton 257, 419
Kappeler, Andreas 56
Karamzin, N. M. 397, 437–8, 444, 447,
454, 461
Karbardinians 97
Kardis, Treaty of 191
Karelia 15, 52, 203, 403, 417
Karelians 42, 50
Kargali 401
Karlowitz, Treaty of 17
Kashira 163
Kasimov khanate 211
Kaunas 122
Kazakh line 125
Kazakh rebellion 94
Kazakhs 13, 58–9, 66, 70, 88–91, 93–6, 98,
195, 335, 370–1, 397, 399–400,
452;see alsoSmall Horde, the
(Kazakhs)andMiddle Horde, the
Kazakhstan 25, 66, 82, 84, 86, 195, 338
Kazan 11–13, 28, 34, 46, 48, 50–1, 53, 55–7,
60, 67, 79, 81, 89, 91, 143–4,
162 – 5, 169–70, 173, 193–5, 197,
218, 235–6, 262, 285–7, 295, 312,
323, 341, 347, 371, 383, 396–7,
399 – 401, 403, 430, 434, 452
campaign 223
Chancery of 65, 179
Church of the Moscow Miracle-Workers
284, 286
Church of St. Peter and Paul 284, 286
Church of St. Varlaam 144
conquest of 69, 71
Gostinnyi Dvor 285
khanate of 69
Kremlin of 285– 6
Annunciation Cathedral 284
Dormition Cathedral 286
Kebir mosque 292
Keenan, Edward L. vii
Keep, John 300, 344
Kerch 324, 342
Kerch, strait of 97
Kettler, Gotthard 121
Kharkiv 68, 106, 307, 431
University of 313
Khazars, the 244
Kheraskov, Mikhail
Rossiada 444
Kherson 105, 114, 298, 324, 342, 357, 407

Index 475
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