The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Russian in conflict with the 67, 97,
161, 165
“service” 397
Tatishchev, V. N. 433, 444
Tauride 115
Tauride Muslim Spiritual Authority 115;see also
Tavda River 51
taxation 6, 27, 43, 70, 75, 81, 103, 108, 178,
211, 218, 223, 230–2, 233, 235,
239, 257, 270, 301, 305, 314, 318,
328, 330–1, 347, 368, 372, 380;
see alsotaxes
taxes 55, 107, 109, 177, 187, 199–200, 217,
226 – 7, 231, 326, 333, 372, 380;
see alsoiasak
abolition of 110
burden of 56, 200, 223, 239, 345, 360, 363
collection of 4, 44, 55, 201, 224, 228, 236,
242, 305, 307, 326, 330–1, 339,
380, 386, 434, 459
escaping 58
exemptions from 4, 60, 72, 77, 100, 105,
109, 113–15, 188, 198, 200–1,
208, 211, 215–16, 231, 239–40,
331, 336, 355, 380, 385, 400, 412,
421, 427–8, 432
farming of 201
income fromsee underincome
introduction of 111, 372, 390, 406
low 130
payment of 176–8, 200, 231–2, 239–40,
323, 330, 360
avoiding 230, 366
policies regarding 199, 331
rules and regulations surrounding 99, 178,
186, 201, 224
types of see alsoiasak
direct 180, 200, 204, 218, 224–5, 232,
238, 240, 327, 330–2, 334
head 120, 224, 337, 356
indirect 204, 327, 329–30, 332
land 105, 200
poll 80, 88, 90, 105–7, 112, 115, 120,
122, 124, 299, 313, 317, 326–8,
330 – 3, 336–7, 343–4, 360, 363,
365 – 6, 376, 380, 382, 399, 406,
419, 427–8, 432
taxpayers 67, 90, 112, 124, 150, 164, 178, 208,
218, 222–4, 226, 231, 235,
239 – 40, 243, 299, 301, 305, 328,
330, 333, 337, 356, 360, 379,
383, 386
taxpaying status 86, 100, 106, 109, 201, 215,
216, 218, 226, 232, 330, 336–7,
363, 379, 415
technology 37, 98
military 2, 5, 37, 217, 298, 458
shipping/naval 26, 191, 297

“Temple of Justice”, the 282
teptiars(Bashkiria) 69, 92, 330
Terek River 57–9, 96–7, 171
territorial expansion/gains 6, 11, 15, 17–18,
21, 28, 30–1, 35, 38, 48, 55–7,
60 – 1, 64, 79–81, 84, 98, 101,
103 – 4, 113, 124–6, 164–6,
201, 205, 211, 213, 270, 277,
307, 314, 333, 335, 338–9, 355–6,
457, 460
Terskii Gorod 97
Teutonic Knights 74, 116
texts/books 74, 78, 111, 119, 129, 132–6, 140,
174 – 6, 178–9, 249, 254, 256,
259 – 60, 268, 276, 278, 301, 388,
403, 406, 417–18, 436–9, 449
Theodosians (Old Believers) 406, 417, 420;
see alsoOld Belief
Theodosius (Emperor) 141
theology 75, 78, 122, 245, 270, 407, 411,
415, 419
Theophanes the Greek 47, 250
Thirteen Years War 165, 182, 192, 198, 201,
212, 215, 238, 339
Thirty Years War 29
Thyrêt, Isolde 279
Tian Shan Mountains, the 21
Tibet 401
Tikhvin 191
Tilly, Charles 3– 4
“Time of Troubles”, the 10, 13–14, 27–8, 67,
69, 150, 159, 177, 191, 195,
200 – 1, 203, 218, 223, 236, 251–2,
255, 281
Timur (Tamerlane) 46
Timurids 35, 37
“Tituliarnik”, the 273
Tiumen 60, 88, 195, 286
Holy Trinity Monastery 286
Tobol River 51, 69
Tobolsk 60, 62, 64–5, 86, 170, 182, 195, 242,
285 – 6, 307, 323, 398
Tolchenov, Aleksei 393– 4
Tolchenov, Ivan Alekseevich 342,
393 – 4
toleration 6, 34, 279
of differences 160, 262, 451
of local autonomy 56
religious 123–4, 396–9, 401, 403, 417,
419, 425
Tolstoi, Peter 277
Tomsk 64–5, 170
Toropets 45, 51– 2
Tot’ma 145, 287
towns and cities 74, 109, 120, 170, 199, 236,
238 – 40, 243, 310, 344–5, 363,
375, 377–84, 386–90, 394, 428,
435, 454, 456;see alsoCharter to
Towns (1785)

Index 493
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