Atlas of Hispanic-American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
acequias(irrigation), 59
Acoma, 53
Adams, John Quincy, 83–84, 118
Adams-Onís Treaty (1819), 71
Africa, 14–18
AgJOBS Act of 2007, 217
agricultural workers. See also
immigration; labor struggles;
migrant laborers
birthplaces of, 217
bracero programs, 167–70
debates about in the U.S.,
Mexican Americans, 144–45,
155–56, 161
migrant laborers, 189, 191–93
Aguilar, Jerónimo de, 32
Aguilera, Christina, 236
Agustín I (emperor of Mexico),
Akimil O’odham (Pima), 12, 55
Alamán, Lucas, 80, 81
Alamo, 59, 85–87
Albizu Campos, Pedro, 173
Alexander VI (pope), 24
Alfonso I (king of Spain), 5
Alfonso VII (king of Spain), 5
Alfonso VIII (king of Spain), 6
Alfonso XII (king of Spain), 112
Algarin, Miguel, 164
Alianza Dominicana, 203–4
Alianza Federal de Mercedes
(Federal Alliance of Land
Grants), 191
Alianza Hispano-Americana, 146
Allende, Salvador, 188
Allied Workers of America
(UCAPAWA), 156
Almagro, Diego de, 39
Almeida, Rafael, 167
Alta California. SeeCalifornia
Alurista (Alberto Baltazar
Urista), 193
Alvarado, Pedro de, 32, 35, 39–40
Alvarez, Luis W., 238
American Revolution. SeeUnited
Anasazi, 12
Anglo-American settlers
(Anglos). See also
discrimination; land ownership
California, 88, 92, 97, 103
New Mexico, 115, 139
Texas, 80–81, 83–84, 105, 116
Anthony, Marc, 236
Apache, 12, 55, 78, 105
Aragón, 5–6
Araucanian, 11, 40
Arawak, 13, 14, 22, 29
Arellano, Elvira, 224–25
independence movements,
70, 72–73
modern, founding of, 83
immigrants from, 187, 213
Spanish colonization, 41
20th century, 188
Argüelles, Martín de, 49
Mexican Americans in, 116,
Mexican rule, 77
railroads, 116–17

“sanctuary movement,” 211
Spanish colonization, 55,
statehood, 117
during the U.S. Civil War,
Arkansas Post, battles over, 67–68
Armijo, Antonio, 76, 79
Armijo, Manuel, 89
Arnaz, Desi, 148
arts and culture
African, 16
diversity of, 45, 239–40
Cuban American, 148–49,
167, 181
Dominican American, 204
fine arts, 165–66, 234–35
literature, 6, 64, 149, 162
Mexican American, 165, 166
Moorish, 6
music, 148–49, 166–67, 176,
181, 236–37
Native American, 7–11, 20
New Mexico, 57, 61, 79, 103
performing arts, 161–64,
Puerto Rican American, 163,
165, 176, 238–39
Spain, Spanish American, 20,
45, 64–65, 100, 149
Texas, 166
Ashanti (Asante), 16
Aspira, 177
Asturias, kingdom of, 2, 5
Atahualpa (Incan emperor), 36,
athletes. Seesports figures,
audiencias, 41
Augustinians, 45
Austin, Moses, 80
Austin, Stephen, 79, 80, 83,
Avilés, Juan, 176
Avilés, Pedro Menéndez de, 48
Ayllón, Lucas Vásquez de, 46
Aymara, 10
Aztec, 8, 10, 32–36

Baca, Elfego, 115
Baca, Judith, 194, 234
Baca, Roman Anthony, 109
Bacon, Francis, 43
Badillo, Herman, 177
Báez, Buenaventura, 131
Baez, Joan, 236
Baja (Low) California, 60
Balaguer, Joaquín, 183–84
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de, 31
Ball, Lucille, 148
banana plantations, Cuba, 126
Banderas, Antonio, 236
bandits, 105, 133
Barbosa, José Celso, 126
Barkley, David, 142
barrios (neighborhoods), 145
baseball, 167, 237
Basques, 111–12, 149
Batista y Zaldívar, Fulgencio,
178, 179–80
Battle of Chapultepec, 95
Battle of Churubusco, 94–95
Battle of Glorieta Pass, 109

Battle of Mobile Bay, 107
Battle of Puebla, 110, 133–34
Battle of San Jacinto, 87
Battle of Tampico, 82
Bauza, Frank, 148
Bay of Pigs invasion, 181–821
Bazaar, Philip, 107
Bear Flag Revolt, 92–93
Beauregard, P.G.T., 95
Becknell, William, 76, 77
Benavides, Santos, 108
Benin, Kingdom of, 16
Bering Strait Land Bridge
(Beringia), 6–7
Betances, Ramón Emeterio, 114
Biarni Heriulfson, 22
“big stick” policy, 129–31
bilingualism, bilingual education,
163, 193, 200–201, 230, 242
Cuban Americans, 208
Blackbeard (Edward Teach), 52
Bolívar, Simón, 70, 72, 83
independence movements,
silver mining, 43, 44
Spanish colonization, 40
20th century, 188
Bonaparte, Joseph (king of Spain),
70, 72. See alsoNapoleon
Border Patrol, 143, 197
border towns, 223–24
Bosch Avila, Orlando, 182–83
Bosch, Juan, 183–84
Botiller v. Dominguez, 100, 103
Bowie, Jim, 85–86
boxing, 237
Boyer, Jean-Pierre, 131
braceroprograms, 167–71
Bravo, Nicolás, 81–82
Brazil, 26–27, 71, 187–89
Brown Barets, 193–94
Bryan, Moses Austin, 87
Bryan-Chamorro Treaty (1916),
Bucaram, Abdala, 214
buccaneers, 51–52
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 41, 70
Burnet, David G., 87
Bush, George H. W., 211
Bush, George W., 220, 231
business leaders, 233–34
Bustamante, Anastasia, 81
Bustamante, Carlos María, 71

Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar Núñez,
46, 53, 54
Cabot, John, 25, 27
Cabral, Pedro Álvares, 25, 26–27
Cabrera, Estrada, 130
Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez, 60
Cáceras, Ramón, 131
Cadena, Carlos C., 190
Cakchiquel, 40
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 65
Anglo immigration to, 88,
92, 97, 103
Bear Flag Revolt, 92–93
Central American
population, 212
following U.S.-Mexican War,

gold mining, 89, 97–99
labor struggles, 155–56
land ownership disputes, 100
Mexican Americans in, 99,
103, 116, 138, 146, 152
Mexican rule, 75–77, 79–80
mission system, 61, 62
mutualistas, 146
Proposition 227, 230
Sleepy Lagoon and the zoot
suit riots, 159–60
South American immigration
to, 188
Spanish colonization, 53,
Spanish Trail, 76, 79
statehood, 99
trappers and traders, 76–78
in U.S.-Mexican War, 88–89
California Land Settlement Act
of 1851, 100, 102
Californios, 79–80, 97–99
Calles, Plutarco Elías, 136
Caonabó, 23
Cárdenas, Lázaro, 136–37
Carey, Mariah, 234, 235, 236
Carib, 13, 14, 28
Caribbean. See also specific countries
independence movements,
pre-Columbian, 13, 14
slavery in, 28–29
Spanish- American War and,
Spanish colonization, 22, 27,
U.S. policy in, 127
Wars of the French
Revolution, 69
Carlos III (king of Spain), 67
Carmel, California, 62
Carranza, Venustiano, 135–36
Carson, Kit, 78
Cartagena, Colombia, 27
Carter, Jimmy, 174
Cartier, Jacques, 27
Casa de Contratación (House of
Trade), 43
Casals, Pablo, 149, 236
castas, 44
Castile, Kingdom of, 5–6
Castillo, Bernal Díaz del, 34
Castillo San Marcos, 49
Castro, Fidel, 178–79, 205–7, 240
Castro, Raul, 240
Catholic Church
expansion into Spain, 4, 6, 30
Hispanic loyalty to, 240, 242
missions, missionaries, 18,
36, 44–45, 62
Native Americans and,
28–29, 53
Catron, Thomas B., 115–16
cattle ranching, 53, 62, 80, 115
Celtiberians, 2
Central America. See also specific
independence movements, 75
immigrants from, 188–89,
U.S. policy in, 129–31
Central America, United
Provinces of, 83
Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), 181–82

Centro Asturiano, 163
Cepeda, Orlando, 167
Cervantes de Saavedra, Miguel
de, 64–65
Céspedes, Carlos Manuel de,
Chang-Diaz, Franklin, 238
Charles I/Charles V (king of
Spain/Holy Roman Emperor),
35, 36, 63
Charles III (king of Spain), 65
Charles IV (king of Spain),
68–69, 70
Charter of Autonomy, Puerto
Rico, 123
Chaves, Manuel, 109
Chávez, César, 161, 191–93
Chávez, Dennis, 150
Chavín, 10
Chevez, Edward, 165
Chiapas, Mexico, 64, 75, 199
Chibcha (Musica) civilization,
11, 40
Chicano identity, 161, 190–91
Chicano Movement, 165, 193–94
abolition of slavery in, 17
independence movements,
immigrants from, 98–99, 213
Spanish colonization, 40
Chimú, 10
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882),
116–17, 138
Chisum, John, 115
Cienfuegos, Lucky, 164
cigars, cigar industry, 93, 113–14,
125, 150
Cimarron Cutoff, 76
Cinco de Mayo (Fifth of May),
Cisneros, Henry, 231
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, 199–200
civic leaders, 232
civil rights movement
braceroprogram, 170
Chicano identity and, 189–90
Hernandez v. Texas, 190–91
Teatro Campesino, 161–62
United Farm Workers, 190,
Civil War, U.S., 107–10
Civilian Conservation Corps
(CCC), 153, 155
Clark, George Rogers, 67–68
Clemente, Roberto, 167, 237
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
(CIW), 217–19
coca, cocaine, 39
Coligny, Gaspard de, 47
Collazo, Oscar, 174
immigration from, 187, 188,
198–99, 213
independence movements, 72
modern, founding of, 83
Spanish colonization, 40
20th century, 188, 214
Colón, Miriam, 163
Colón, Willie, 167
Colorado, 138, 147, 152
Columbian exchange, 39
Columbus, Christopher, 6, 18,
Columbus Day, 23, 238


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