Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Bibliography 115

Kister, Kenneth. Kister’s Best Dictionaries for Adults and Young People: A Comparative Guide.
Phoenix: Oryx, 1992. Although the reviews are dated, there is still value in Kister’s
discussions of the types of dictionaries and the field of lexicography.
———. Kister’s Best Encyclopedias: A Comparative Guide to General and Specialized
Encyclopedias. Phoenix: Oryx, 1994. The discussion of specialized encyclopedias and
the basic principles of encyclopedia creation are still informative even if the actual
reviews are dated.
Kovacs, Diane K. The Virtual Reference Handbook: Interview and Information Delivery
Techniques for the Chat and E-mail Environment. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2007. A
comprehensive handbook offering strategies for providing reference service in an
online environment by an expert in the field.
Kuhlthau, Carol Collier. “Meeting the Information Needs of Children and Young Adults:
Basing Library Media Programs on Developmental States.” Journal of Youth Services
in Libraries 2, no. 1 (1988): 51–57. Summarizes the developmental stages of young
people in the context of library services.
Levine-Clark, Michael and Toni M. Carter, eds. ALA Glossary of Library and Information
Science. Chicago: American Library Association, 2012. A guide to the terminology
(and acronyms!) of library and information science.
Massey-Burzio, Virginia. “Education and Experience; or, The MLS Is Not Enough.” Reference
Services Review 19, no. 1 (1991): 72–74. Some observations on the importance of
lifelong learning for reference librarians.
Measuring and Assessing Reference Services and Resources: A Guide. RUSA/RSS Evaluation of
Reference and User Services Committee. www
rss/. A guide to the literature of measuring and assessing reference services prepared
by the RUSA/RSS Evaluation of Reference and User Services Committee.
Miller, Jonathan. “Quick and Easy Reference Evaluation: Gathering Users’ and Providers’
Perspectives.” Reference and User Services Quarterly 47, no. 3 (2008): 218–22.
Describes the method several Pittsburgh academic libraries used to evaluate the
reference services they provide.
Naiman, Sandra. “The Unexamined Interview Is Not Worth Having.” Reference Librarian 6,
no. 16 (1987): 31–46. Reflections on what makes a good reference librarian.
Nolan, Christopher W. Managing the Reference Collection. Chicago: American Library
Association, 1999. Provides guidelines on managing all aspects of the reference
collection, including selection, evaluation, weeding, and more.
O’Gorman, Jack, ed. Reference Sources for Small and Medium-Sized Libraries. 7th ed. Chicago:
American Library Association, 2008. Brief reviews of reference works intended “to
serve as an authoritative buying guide for the purchase of reference collections for
newly established libraries and for improving and expanding existing collections.”
Patterson, Thomas H., John A. Damand, and Rachel Kubie. Enoch Pratt Free Library Brief
Guide to Reference Sources. 10th ed. Baltimore, MD: The Library, 2000. A user-friendly
handbook covering basic and popular reference works.

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