An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


by Middle Eastern producers, in Octo-
ber 1973 in response to U.S. and western
European support for Israel in the 1973
Yom Kippur War. The rise in gas prices
and fuel shortages resulted in a global eco-
nomic recession and profoundly affected
the American economy.
Oneida Utopian community founded
in 1848; the Perfectionist religious group
practiced “complex marriage” under
leader John Humphrey Noyes.
Open Door Policy Demand in 1899 by
Secretary of State John Hay, in hopes of
protecting the Chinese market for U.S.
exports, that Chinese trade be open to all
open immigration American immigra-
tion laws under which nearly all white
people could immigrate to the United
States and become naturalized citizens.
Operation Dixie CIO’s largely ineffective
post– World War II campaign to unionize
southern workers.
Ordinance of 1784 A law drafted by
Thomas Jefferson that regulated land
ownership and defined the terms by
which western land would be marketed
and settled; it established stages of self-
government for the West. First Congress
would govern a territory; then the terri-
tory would be admitted to the Union as a
full state.
Ordinance of 1785 A law that regulated
land sales in the Old Northwest. The land
surveyed was divided into 640-acre plots
and sold at $1 per acre.
Oslo Accords 1993 roadmap for peace
between Israel and the newly created Pal-
estinian Authority, negotiated under the
Clinton administration.
Panama Canal Zone The small strip of
land on either side of the Panama Canal.
The Canal Zone was under U.S. control
from 1903 to 1979 as a result of Theodore
Roosevelt’s assistance in engineering a

North American Free Trade Agree-
ment (NAFTA) Approved in 1993, the
agreement with Canada and Mexico that
allowed goods to travel across their bor-
ders free of tariffs. Critics of the agreement
argued that American workers would lose
their jobs to cheaper Mexican labor.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) Alliance founded in 1949 by ten
western European nations, the United
States, and Canada to deter Soviet expan-
sion in Europe.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Law that
created the Northwest Territory (area
north of the Ohio River and west of Penn-
sylvania), established conditions for self-
government and statehood, included a
Bill of Rights, and permanently prohibited
Notes on the State of Virginia Thomas
Jefferson’s 1785 book that claimed, among
other things, that black people were inca-
pable of becoming citizens and living in
harmony alongside white people due to
the legacy of slavery and what Jefferson
believed were the “real distinctions that
nature has made” between races.
NSC- 68 Top- secret policy paper approved
by President Truman in 1950 that out-
lined a militaristic approach to combating
the spread of global communism.
nullification crisis The 1832 attempt
by the State of South Carolina to nul-
lify, or invalidate within its borders, the
1832 federal tariff law. President Jackson
responded with the Force Act of 1833.
Obergefell v. Hodges 2015 Supreme Court
decision that allowed same- sex couples to
marry throughout the United States.
Occupy Wall Street A grassroots move-
ment in 2011 against growing economic
inequality, declining opportunity, and the
depredations of Wall Street banks.
oil embargo Prohibition on trade in oil
declared by the Organization of Petro-
leum Exporting Countries, dominated

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