An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-84 ★ INDEX

agriculture, 615–16, 632, 694, 699, 731,
849, 851, 874, 875, 886, 1060–61
African-Americans and, 761, 847
bonanza farms and, 616–17
Democratic Party and, 811
Eisenhower and, 959
and farm populations, 944
and foreclosures, 784–85, 811
Great Depression and, 811, 813
industrial revolution and, 604
mechanization of, 785
migrant workers and, 698, 842–43, 849,
854, 1018
New Deal and, 820, 826–28, 836, 838,
841, 847, 858, 959
in 1920s, 784–85
Populists and, 651–52, 653
post-World War II, 944
in Progressive era, 696
railroads and, 652
Southern expansion of, 660
Aguinaldo, Emilio (1869–1964), 684, 685
AIDS, see acquired immunodeficiency
Aid to Dependent Children, 838
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
(AFDC), 1033, 1078
aircraft, see aviation and aircraft
Air Force, U.S., segregation in, 893
Air Force (movie), 885
airplanes, 754
Akilova, Kamola, 1123
Alabama, 855, 856, 978 , 1022, 1148
black voting in, 924
BP oil spill and, 1137
Confederate flag and, 977
lynchings in, 796
women’s groups in, 720
Alabama, University of, segregation at, 978
Alabama State University, 974
Al-Ahram, 772
Alaska, 1006, 1044
corporate mining in, 618
pipeline, 1044–45
purchase of, 678
Albania, 1080
Albany, Ga., 986
Albuquerque, N.Mex., 945
Alcatraz Island, 1019
Alcoa Presents (TV show), 947
alcohol, banning of, see Prohibition
Alcorn, James L. (1816–1894), 593
Aldrich, Winthrop W. (1885–1974), 906

African-Americans (continued)
IQ tests and, 759
juries and, 855
Knights of Labor and, 640
and Ku Klux Klan, see Ku Klux Klan
labor and, 855, 969, 988
LBJ and, 992–93
loss of voting rights of, 663–64, 718,
764, 765, 846, 850, 889, 977, 993,
995, 999
March on Washington and, 894, 988–89
naturalization of, 803
New Deal and, 846–47, 847 , 849
Nixon and, 1034
northern migration of, 661–62, 765–66,
766 , 803, 808 , 893, 969
Plessy v. Ferguson and, 664–65, 665
police brutality against, 1142–44
in politics, 590–92, 662–63
population of, 807
prison population of, 1096
Progressives and, 762
progressivism and, 763–65
Reagan and, 1063
recession and, 1142
in Reconstruction, 575–78, 582, 585–87,
590–92, 659, 664–66, 762, 863, 924
and segregation, see segregation
Selma campaign and, 969, 995–96, 996
sit-ins and, 983–84
in South, 651, 660–61, 764, 889, 893–94
in suburbs, 950–53
as troops in Philippines, 685
Truman and, 924–26
unemployment and, 849, 1000, 1095,
voting rights of, 657, 896
wages and, 761, 808, 1063, 1124
welfare and, 1033
women, 661, 662–63, 700, 761, 894
women’s movement neglect of, 762
World War I and, 764–65, 766
World War II and, 863, 873, 884, 885,
887, 893–98
see also civil rights movement;
Great Migration; slavery; slaves,
African National Congress, 1071
Agitator, 588
Agnew, Samuel (1833–1902), 571
Agnew, Spiro T. (1918–1996), 1042, 1047
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), 826–27,
829–30, 851

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