An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-85

American Missionary, 623
American National Exhibition, 940, 942
American Party, see Know-Nothing Party
American Protective League (APL), 754
American Psychiatric Association, 1037
American Railway Union, 656
American Revolution, 635, 878, 881, 906 ,
913, 921, 925, 1003, 1101
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), 1097
American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T),
American Tobacco, 728
American University, 991
American Way, 1020
American Woman Suffrage Association,
Ames, Adelbert (1835–1933), 599
Amnesty International, 1049
anarchism, 640, 645, 753, 759, 779
Anderson, John (1922–), 1057–58
Anderson, Marian (1897–1993), 850
Anderson, Sherwood (1876–1941), 810
Andersonville, Ga., Confederate prison at,
Andrews, Sidney (1837–1880), 568, 571
Angel Island, 697
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 963
Angola, 963
Ann Arbor, Mich., Beats in, 967
Anniston, Ala., 985
Anshutz, Thomas (1891–1912), 637
Anthony, Susan B. (1820–1906), 588, 589
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972), 1038,
anti-Catholicism, 954, 979
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 807
Anti-Imperialist League, 687, 688
anti-Semitism, 806, 807, 834, 885, 954,
1032, 1101
see also Jews
antiwar movement, Vietnam era, 1008–9,
1024–26, 1039, 1116, 1121
Apaches, 624
apartheid, 687, 1009, 1071
Appalachia, 998
poverty rates in, 1141
Appeal to Reason, 706
appeasement, 866
Apple Computers, 1082, 1083 , 1086
appliances, household, see consumerism,
and household appliances
Appomattox Courthouse, 579
aqueducts, 728

Alien Act (1798), 752, 1119
Alito, Samuel, Jr. (1950–), 1127
Allen, Richard (1760–1831), 591
Allende, Salvador (1908–1973), 1038
Alliance for Progress, 989–90
in World War I, 742, 745, 745 , 749 , 768,
in World War II, 871, 896, 898, 900–903,
Al Qaeda, 1106, 1116, 1119
Altgeld, John Peter (1847–1902), 645
Amalgamated Association, 649–50, 769
America First Committee, 867
American Anti-Slavery Society, 586
American Ballet Caravan, 865
American Century, The (Luce), 880, 917
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 797,
801, 855–56, 932
American Commonwealth, The (Bryce), 687
American Creed, 897, 918
American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), 896 , 897
American Document, 854
American Economic Foundation, 953
“American Economic System,” 954
American Enterprise Institute, 1053
American Federation of Labor (AFL),
673–76, 704, 705–7, 747, 755, 769,
794, 831, 833, 854, 896, 922, 923, 960
American Freedom and Catholic Power
(Blanshard), 979
American Heritage Foundation, 906–7
American identity, 755–67
American Indian Movement, 1019, 1098
American Individualism (Hoover), 810
American International Group (AIG), 1129,
Americanism, 802, 852, 853, 854, 918, 997
vs. racism, 854, 884
Americanization, 793, 802–6, 950
Catholics and, 807
of immigrants, 755–58, 802–3, 852,
see also assimilation
Americanization of the World, The; or,
the Trend of the Twentieth Century
(Stead), 734
American Jewish Committee, 854, 892, 895
American League, 724
American Legion, 931
American Liberty League, 840
American Medical Association, 724, 837,

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