An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-87

Ben Hur (movie), 953
Berger, Victor (1860–1929), 706, 771
Berlin, 912
airlift, 912
blockade, 912–13
occupation of, 912–13
Berlin Congress of 1884–1885, 678
Berlin Wall, 990, 1072
Bernays, Edward (1891–1995), 748, 788
Bethune, Mary McLeod (1875–1955), 850
Better America League, 931
Beveridge, Albert (1862–1927), 688
Bible, 799, 976, 1023, 1151
Book of Exodus of, 661
interpretation of, 801–2
Bible Belt, 644
Biden, Joe, and Osama bin Laden’s death,
Bilbo, Theodore (1877–1947), 851
bilingual education, 1099
Bill of Rights (American), 583, 586, 798,
876, 932, 1023, 1126, 1130
“Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged,” 1000
Biloxi, Miss., 985
bin Laden, Osama (1957–2011), 1106,
1112, 1113
death of, 1145, 1145
Birmingham, Ala., 907, 969
church bombing in, 988
civil rights campaign in, 986–88, 987
Freedom Rides in, 985
manufacturing in, 660, 922
birth control, 713–14, 714 , 751, 788, 796,
1014, 1023–24, 1036
in 2012 election and campaign, 1149
Birth of a Nation (movie), 762, 763
decline in U.S., 812
in Mexico, 1091
minority, 1094
Bisbee, Ariz., strikes in, 754
Bisno, Abraham (1866–1929), 700
Black, Hugo (1886–1971), 892
black Americans, see African-Americans
Blackbirds (Broadway show), 809
Blackboard Jungle (movie), 966
Black Codes, 580–81, 582
Black Hills, 624
black internationalism, 889, 897–98
in Hollywood, 929
of union organizers, 837
Black Lives Matter, 1143–44

Bandung Conference, 962
Bank of America, 1134
banks, 632, 633, 652, 658, 732, 738, 739,
740, 784, 795, 834, 935, 1064, 1085
British, 735–36
failure of, 812, 823–24
in financial crisis of 2008, 1128–29,
1134, 1138
and foreclosures, 785, 811, 815, 829
in Great Depression, 812, 813, 815,
823–24, 846
New Deal and, 859
Socialist party and, 729
in Soviet Union, 768
suburbs and, 950
2008 financial crisis and, 1085
World War I and, 744, 866
“Banned in Boston,” 796
Baptists, 975, 1048
African-American, 568
Prohibition and, 752
racial division among, 669
Barbados, 738
Bargain of 1877, 600
Barnett, Ross (1898–1987), 986
Barrow plantation, maps of, 570
Bart, Lily (char.), 612
Barton, Bruce (1886–1967), 786
Baruch, Bernard (1870–1965), 747
baseball, 724
integration of, 924
Bataan, 869
death march in, 869
Bataan (movie), 885
Batista, Fulgencio (1901–1973), 865, 990
Baum, L. Frank (1856–1919), 658–59
Bavaria, 768
Baxter Street Court, 613
Bay of Pigs invasion, 990
Beard, Charles (1874–1948), 786, 815
Beats, 967–68, 968
Buddhism and, 1013
Becker, Carl (1873–1945), 749
Beer and Wine Revenue Act, 852
Beijing, 1038, 1071
Belfast, 768
Belgium, 742, 867
Bellamy, Edward (1850–1898), 641, 643,
705, 715
Bellows, George (1882–1925), 695, 800
Belmont, Alva (1853–1933), 692
Benedict, Ruth (1887–1948), 806, 885
Benét, Stephen Vincent (1898–1943), 877

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