An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-88 ★ INDEX

Bretton Woods, N.H., conference at, 901–2,
Brewer, David J. (1837–1910), 672
Breyer, Stephen (1938–), 1076
Brezhnev, Leonid (1906–1982), 1038
Bridges, Harry (1901–1990), 831
brinksmanship, 961
Britain, Battle of, 867
British Americans, World War I and, 743
British Empire, 678, 735, 768, 772, 773,
901, 909, 911, 917
British Petroleum (BP), and Gulf of Mexico
oil spill, 1137
Britton, Nan (1896–1991), 791
Broadway theater, 809
Brooke, Edward W. (1919–), 591
Brooklyn, N.Y., 606, 714, 714 , 829
Brooklyn Dodgers, 924
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 894
Broun, Heywood (1888–1939), 780
Browder, Earl (1891–1973), 853
Brown, Matt, 574
Brown, Michael, 1143, 1144
Brown, Oliver (1918–1961), 973
Brown, Olympia, 588
Brown, William Wells, 591
Brown v. Board of Education, 586, 971,
972–73, 977, 978, 984, 995
Broz, Josip (Tito; 1892–1980), 901
Bruce, Blanche K. (1841–1898), 591
Bryan, William Jennings (1860–1925),
657–58, 687, 728, 739, 743, 801–2
“cross of gold” speech of, 657
Bryant, Anita (1940–), 1054
Bryce, James, 687
Bryn Mawr, 1037
Buchanan, James (1791–1868), and Mor-
mons, 620
Buchanan, Pat (1938–), 1076, 1100
Buck, Pearl (1892–1973), 884
Buckley, William F. (1925–), 994
Buck v. Bell, 760
Buddhism, Buddhists:
Beats and, 1013
as immigrants, 1087
Mazie k. Hirono and, 1150
in Vietnam, 965, 1006
buffalo, 627
hunting of, 621
Buffalo, N.Y., 725
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, 629
Bulgaria, 909
Bulge, Battle of the, 898
Bulosan, Carlos (1913–1956), 877

Black Muslims, 1001
Black Panther Party, 1002, 1018, 1026
Black Power, 995, 1001–2, 1018
Black Sea, 910
Black Studies, 1099
“black supremacy,” 594
Black Tuesday, 811
Blaine, James G. (1830–1893), 631–32,
670, 680
Blair, Francis P., Jr. (1821–1875), 585
Blakemore, Richard E., 1060–61
Blanshard, Paul (1892–1980), 979
Blatch, Harriot Stanton (1856–1940), 787
blitzkrieg, 867
Block, Herbert (1909–2001), 932
“blockbusting,” 952
Blue Eagle, 825
Bo, Saum Song, 623
Boas, Franz (1858–1942), 806
Boesky, Ivan (1937–), 1064
bohemians, 712, 1003, 1009, 1037
bomb shelters, 961
bonanza farms, 616–17
Bonneville Power Authority, 818
bootleggers, 801
Border Patrol, U.S., 805, 886, 1123
Bosch, Juan (1909–2001), 1007–8
Bosnia, 1058, 1079
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 742
Boston, Mass.:
integration in, 1035
police strike in, 769
Boston Globe, 1137
Boston Guardian, 762
Boston Marathon, 1016
Boston Massacre, 569
Boston Tea Party, 1147
Boumediene v. Bush, 1127
Bourke-White, Margaret (1906–1971),
Bourne, Randolph (1886–1918), 718, 746,
752, 758
Boutwell, George S. (1818–1905), 688
Bow, Clara (1905–1965), 788
Bowers v. Hardwick, 1065, 1126
boycotts, 721, 923, 974–75, 976, 1018
bracero program, 886–87
Bradwell, Myra (1831–1894), 589
Bragg, Braxton (1817–1876), 570
“brains trust,” 823
Brandeis, Louis D. (1856–1941), 704,
723–24, 730, 798–99, 823
Brazil, 651
Brentwood, Calif., 849

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