An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-89

agriculture in, 694, 785, 944
Asian-Americans in, 761, 1092
boycott of grapes from, 1018
Chinese immigrants in, 619–20
conservatism in, 1056
gold rush in, 614
immigrants in, 1099, 1124
Japanese-Americans in, 891
lumber industry in, 617–18
migration to, 785
1934 election in, 833
1964 election in, 994
oil spill off coast of, 1020
Reagan as governor of, 1058, 1059
suburbs in, 945–46
tax law in, 1056
woman suffrage in, 655, 717
California, University of, 946, 1140
at Berkeley, 1005, 1039
at Davis, 1036
California House of Representatives,
California Supreme Court, 671–72
segregation and, 972
California Trail, 621
Call, The, 713–14
Calley, William (1943–), 1040
Cambodia, 869, 1039, 1093
immigrants from, 1091
camera, handheld, 607
Campbell, Helen, 720
Camp David, 962, 1050, 1079
Canada, 627, 805, 819, 1087 , 1088, 1152
D-Day and, 871
draft dodgers’ flight to, 1009
lynching in, 668
NAFTA and, 1076
U.S. border with, 1130
Canadians, Canadian immigrants, 615
Canal Zone, 737–39
cancer, skin, 981
Cannery and Agricultural Workers union,
capitalism, 810, 822, 880, 881–82, 883,
911, 955
consumerism and, 699
free market, 962
“golden age” of, 942–57
industrial, 704
international, 1072
labor vs., 634, 639–47
modern, 940, 942
people’s, 955
revolution vs. reform of, 853

Bunau-Varilla, Philippe (1859–1940), 738
Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S., 625, 715
Bureau of Intelligence, U.S., 894
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1142
Burger, Warren (1907–1995), 1034–35
Burger Court, 1034–36
Burlingame, Anson, 587
Burlingame Treaty, 587, 670
Burma, 869
Busbey, Fred, 918
Bush, George H. W. (1924–), 1068, 1073,
1081, 1082, 1115
in election of 1992, 1076
Gulf War and, 1073–74
NAFTA and, 1076
Bush, George W. (1946–), 1100, 1110–14,
1120, 1135
affirmative action and, 1126
background of, 1110–11
civil liberties and, 1117–20
debates with Gore, 1105
economy under, 1120, 1127–32,
in election of 2000, 1103–4
foreign policy of, 1111–13, 1117–18,
1120, 1128
and Hurricane Katrina, 1121–22, 1127
Iraq War and, 1115–16, 1127
Islam and, 1125
and Latinos, 1124
and Supreme Court, 1126–27
unemployment and, 1120
Bush, Jeb (1953–), 1103
Bush (George W.) administration, 1106,
1112, 1114, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121,
1123, 1126–27, 1134–35, 1137, 1139,
1145, 1147
2008 financial crisis and, 1085
Bush Doctrine, 1112–13
Bush v. Gore, 1103–4
and government, 789–95, 880
horizontal expansion of, 610
rise of, 608–9
vertically integrated, 609, 610
see also corporations
busing, desegregation of schools and, 1035
Butte, Mont., 618, 754

Caesar’s Column (Donnelly), 641
Cage, John (1912–1992), 919
California, 617, 697, 717, 722, 796, 798–99,
804, 811, 828, 849, 856, 874, 931,
943, 1090 , 1091, 1094, 1098, 1099

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