An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-95

cotton industry and strikes, 831
Cotton Pickers, The (Homer), 572
Couch, W. T. (1901–1988), 889
Coughlin, Charles E. (1891–1979), 834, 867
Council on African Affairs, 898
counterculture, 1009–12, 1036
Catholics and, 1013
cults and, 1014
Hinduism and, 1013
religion and, 1013–14
yoga and, 1013
“court packing,” 841, 858
cowboys, 617
in Wild West, 628–29
Cox, Archibald (1912–2004), 1042
Cox, James (1870–1957), 822
Coxey, Jacob (1854–1951), 656
Coxey’s Army, 656
crack cocaine, 1065, 1096
Crazy Horse (1842?-1877), 624
creationism, 801, 1100
see also fundamentalism
Crédit Mobilier, 630, 632
Creel, George (1876–1953), 748–49
Crèvecoeur, Hector St. John de (1735–
1813), 854
crime, 1095–96
crimes against humanity, 920
Crisis, The, 775, 894, 895
Croatia, 1079
Croly, Herbert (1869–1930), 725, 747
crop-lien system, 574
“cross of gold” speech, 657
Crow Indians, 621
Cruikshank, U.S. v., 598
Cuba, 678, 680, 681–82, 864, 865, 1118
Bay of Pigs invasion in, 990
diplomatic relations resumed with,
Guantánamo Bay, 1118, 1119, 1127,
1136, 1145
immigrants from, 1091
Missile Crisis in, 990–91
U.S. intervention in, 739
Cullen, Countee (1903?-1946), 809
cultural pluralism, 806
Culture Wars, 1100
currency, 632, 657
Federal Reserve System and, 732
for international trade, 901
reform, 640
Cusack, Nell, 612
Custer, George A. (1839–1876), 624

Coolidge, Calvin (1872–1933), 769, 782,
790, 791, 805, 810
Coolidge administration, 795
cooling off periods, 923
Cooper, Gary (1901–1961), 929
Cooperative Commonwealth, The (Gron-
lund), 641, 642–43
Cooper Union, 712
copper, 618, 795
Coral Sea, Battle of, 869, 870, 870
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), 895,
976, 985, 993, 1002
corporations, 652, 676, 717, 718, 725, 823,
943, 954, 955, 1004, 1084
absentee, 684
automobile, 947
Bush era scandals in, 1132
and conformity, 965
corporate advertising and, 954
corruption of, 629–30
economic control of countries by, 963
farms owned by, 849, 981
Federal Trade Commission and, 732
free enterprise and, 954
Ku Klux Klan and, 803
multinational, 1081
“new despotism” of, 841
in 1920s, 786
power and, 717, 963
and profits, 784, 835, 858, 874, 876,
1045, 1056, 1059, 1063
and public relations, 787
and rise of West, 617–19
Social Darwinist view of, 635–36
states and, 729
taxes on, 835
television sponsorship and, 947
Theodore Roosevelt and, 725
and white collar jobs, 943
in World War II, 874
see also specific corporations
of corporations, 629–30
of politics, 630
Cortés, Hernán (1485–1547), 741
Cortez, Gregorio, 629
Cosmopolitan, 1016
Costa Rica, 739
cost of living wage increases, 934, 960
cotton, 573, 574, 591 , 651–52, 660, 700,
851, 856, 944
Cotton Belt, 573
Cotton Club, 808

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