An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-96 ★ INDEX

deficit, federal, see national debt
de Gaulle, Charles (1890–1970), 959
deindustrialization, 1062, 1063, 1068
Delacroix, Eugène, 1064
Delany, Martin, 897
Delaware, University of, 1004
Delegation of Advocates of Women’s Suf-
frage Addressing the House Judiciary
Committee, A, 589
de Lesseps, Ferdinand (1805–1894), 738
Delta Council, 935
demobilization, of U.S. military, 908, 922
Democratic National Convention, 1110
Democratic Party, 631, 632, 654, 656, 659,
729, 731, 792, 801, 810–11, 833, 840,
854, 876, 877, 909, 933, 935, 958,
959, 994, 995, 999, 1002, 1008, 1025,
1026, 1048, 1052, 1056, 1058, 1059,
1064 , 1069, 1078, 1081, 1120–21,
1127, 1135, 1148
African-Americans and, 850, 968
anti-Redeemers in, 663
in campaign of 1960, 979
civil rights movement and, 993
decolonization and, 917
economic policies of, 881, 1047
in election of 1900, 687
in election of 1920, 822
in election of 1924, 791–94, 810
in election of 1928, 810–11
in election of 1932, 822
in election of 1946, 923
in election of 1948, 925–27
in election of 1952, 958, 958
in election of 1954, 958
in election of 1972, 1041
in election of 1992, 1075
in election of 2000, 1103
FDR’s transformation of, 821
Fifteenth amendment and, 585
Great Society and, 997, 999
high tariff opposed by, 632
HUAC and, 856
left wing of, 856
liberalism and, 933
and New Deal coalition, 841, 1032, 1034,
1964 national convention of, 993
Nixon and, 1032
in Reconstruction, 583, 593, 594–95,
South and, 659, 661, 846, 857
Truman Doctrine and, 910

Custer’s Last Stand, 629
Customs Service, 796
CWA (Civil Works Administration), 826
Czechoslovakia, 772, 776, 865, 1026, 1075
Czolgosz, Leon (1873–1901), 725

Dade County, Fla., 1054
Dakota Territory, 624
gold in, 618, 624
Daley, Richard J. (1902–1976), 1000–1001
Dallas, Tex., 945, 991
dams, 848
Columbia River, 819–21
Darrow, Clarence (1857–1938), 707, 709,
801–2, 809, 825
Darwin, Charles (1809–1882), 635, 801,
Darwinism, see evolution
Daugherty, Harry (1860–1941), 791
Daughters of the American Revolution, 850,
Davis, “Cyclone” (1854–1940), 652
Davis, James J. (1873–1947), 805
Davis, John W. (1873–1955), 794
Davis, Sammy, Jr. (1925–1990), 969
Dawes, Henry L. (1816–1903), 625
Dawes Act (1887), 625, 848
Day After, The (movie), 1065–66
D-Day, 871
DDT, 1020
Dean, James (1931–1955), 966–67
Death and Life of Great American Cities,
The (Jacobs), 1004
death march, in Bataan, 869
death penalty, 1096
Debs, Eugene V. (1855–1926), 656, 706,
729, 730 , 753, 756, 798
Declaration of Conscience (Smith), 931,
Declaration for Global Democracy, 1089
Declaration of Independence (1776), 685,
711, 854, 905, 917, 963
rewritten by Federated Trades of the
Pacific Coast, 641
Declaration of Principles (1905), 764
decolonization, African-Americans and, 917
Dedham, Mass., 780
de Diego, José (1866–1918), 761
Deep South, 593, 661, 985, 994, 995
Defense Department, U.S., 918, 980, 1040,
McCarthy and, 930
Defense of Marriage Act, 1100

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