An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-102 ★ INDEX

Islamic, 1051, 1074, 1086, 1112, 1114
radio broadcasts and, 834–35
religious freedom vs., 801
Saddam Hussein and, 1114
see also creationism

Gabbard, Tulsi (1981–), 1150
Gabel, Hortense (1912–1990), 935
Gadhafi, Muammar (1942–2011), overthrow
of, 1145
Gaffney, Mary (b. 1846), 573
Gaines, Lloyd (1913?-1939), 972
Galbraith, John Kenneth (1908–2006), 966
Galesburg, Ill., Maytag factory in, 1120
Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma; 1869–1948),
775 , 903, 976
Garfield, James A. (1831–1881), 566, 631
assassination of, 631, 632
Garland, Hamlin (1860–1940), 650
Garner, Eric, 1143
Garner, John Nance (1868–1967), 881
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805–1879), 586,
Garvey, Marcus (1887–1940), 767
Garveyism, 767, 897
Garvey movement, 809
Gates, Bill (1955–), 1083 , 1085
GATT, see General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade
Gaumont film company, 783
Gay Liberation Front, 1018
Gay Men’s Health Crisis, 1097
gay rights, 713, 929, 933, 984, 1017–18,
1037, 1054, 1065, 1075, 1097–98,
1100, 1102, 1126, 1130
gay marriage and, 1150
McCarthyism and, 929, 1017
military and, 1076
see also homosexuals, homosexuality
Gaza Strip, 1117
GE, see General Electric
“gender gap”, electoral, 1104
gender relations:
World War II and, 863
see also women; women’s rights
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), 911
General Assembly, U.N., 902, 920
General Electric (GE), 608, 1058, 1085
General Electric Theater, The (TV show),
General Motors, 782, 784, 812, 832, 833,
856, 959, 981, 1021, 1086

freedom (continued)
Thurmond and, 926, 927
Truman Doctrine and, 910
in twenty-first century, 1150–54
U.S. foreign policy and, 736
war on terror and, 1106–7, 1112–13
women and, 700–701, 710, 787–89, 789 ,
879, 1014–16
of workers, 611–12
World War I and, 748–50, 752
World War II and, 863, 864 , 876–77, 903
see also Four Freedoms; religious
Freedom Award, 995
Freedom Budget, 1000
Freedom House, 868
Freedom in the Modern World, 815–16
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (1966),
Freedom of Speech (Rockwell), 864
Freedom of Worship (Rockwell), 885
Freedom Pledge, 905
Freedom Revolution, 1077
Freedom Rides, 984, 985–86
Freedom Scroll, 905
Freedom Summer, 993
Freedom Train, 905–7, 906
free enterprise, 878, 916, 954–55, 959, 965,
Freeman, Owen, 1112
Free Speech Movement, 1005
free trade, 795, 1074, 1076, 1078, 1084,
see also NAFTA (North American Free
Trade Agreement)
freeways, 946
Free World, 916, 917, 954, 956
U.S. president as leader of, 910
Free World Association, 868, 881
French Empire, 678, 735, 774
Vietnam and, 964–65
French Indochina, 869, 917, 1006
French Revolution, 921
Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 713, 789
Frick, Henry Clay (1849–1919), 650
Friedan, Betty (1921–2006), 1010–11, 1015
Friedman, Milton (1912–2006), 955–56
From the Plantation to the Senate, 591
Fuel Agency, 747
Full Employment Bill, 883
Fulton, Mo., “iron curtain” speech at, 909
fundamentalism, 799–801, 1051, 1053–54,

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