An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-104 ★ INDEX

Great Depression, 811–16, 820, 822, 833,
834, 835, 842–43, 874, 877, 879, 882,
886, 901–2, 911, 958 , 1044, 1084,
1128, 1132, 1149
Dust Bowl and, 827
Eisenhower and, 959
homelessness and, 812, 842–43
housing and, 828–29
minorities and, 846–51
socialist view of, 852
wages in, 812, 814
women and, 846
World War II and, 858, 862
see also New Deal
Great Migration, 661–62, 765–66, 765 , 803,
807, 808 , 893
Great Plains, 614, 615, 617, 652, 694
agriculture in, 785, 785
women in, 616
Great Railroad Strike of 1877, 639, 640
Great Salt Lake Valley, Mormons in, 620
Great Society, 572, 755, 851, 897, 997–99,
1008, 1027, 1032, 1065, 1076, 1077,
1078, 1137, 1139
see also Johnson, Lyndon
Great Steel Strike, 769, 770 , 832
Great War, see World War I
Greece, rebellion in, 910
Greeley, Horace (1811–1872), 597, 654
Green, James K. (1823–1891), 590
Greenback-Labor Party, 631, 633
Greenglass, David (1922–), 930
Greenland, 1111
Greensboro, N.C., 983
sit-in at, 983–84
Greenspan, Alan (1926–), 1047, 1133–34
Greenwich Village, N.Y., 712
Stonewall Bar raid in, 1018
Grenada, 1066
Griffith, D. W. (1875–1948), 762
Griggs v. Duke Power Company, 1036
Griswold v. Connecticut, 1023–24
Gromyko, Andrey (1909–1989), 1047
Gronlund, Laurence (1846–1899), 641,
gross national product (GNP), 862, 869,
873–74, 942
Gruening, Ernest (1887–1974), 1006
Guadalcanal, 870
Guam, 683, 686
in World War II, 869, 898
Guantánamo Bay, 683, 1118, 1119, 1127,
1136, 1145

Gould, Jay (1836–1892), 644–45
government, U.S.:
business and, 789–95, 880
corruption in, 791
debt of, see national debt
employment discrimination, 851
housing discrimination by, 850–51
labor and, 656
regulatory powers of, 726, 790, 824,
841–44, 858, 997
in Second New Deal, 837
workforce size of, 632
see also specific branches
Grady, Henry (1850–1889), 660
Graham, Billy (1918–), 953
Graham, Martha (1894–1991), 854
Gramm, Phil, 1085
Grand Coulee Dam, 820, 848
grandfather clause, voting rights and, 663,
Grand Rapids, Mich., manufacturing in, 606
Grange, 634
Grant, Madison (1865–1932), 755
Grant, Ulysses S. (1822–1885), 596, 597,
630, 678
in election of 1868, 585, 585
Indian policy of, 621
Ku Klux Klan and, 596
scandals under, 595
Southern violence and, 598
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 827–28,
Great Awakening, Third, 1053
Great Britain, 768, 795, 837, 865–68,
909–10, 959, 979, 1026, 1057, 1151
D-Day and, 871
empire of, see British Empire
in Great Depression, 812, 823
immigrants from, 615
industry in, 605
Iraq War and, 1116
Lend-Lease and, 868
occupation of Germany by, 912
progressivism in, 715
submarine war and, 871
in Suez fiasco, 964
suffrage in, 630, 750
and Third World, 963
in U.N., 902
Venezuela and, 739
welfare state and, 959
in World War I, 742
see also British Empire; England

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