An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-106 ★ INDEX

Honeymooners, The (TV show), 947
Hoover, Herbert (1874–1964), 769, 786,
810–11, 822, 828–29, 864, 1120
background of, 810
Depression and, 814–15
Eisenhower and, 959
in election of 1928, 810–11
as Food Administration director, 747
New Deal and, 840
as Secretary of Commerce, 790, 791
Hoover, J. Edgar (1895–1972), 771, 933,
Hooverville, 812
Hopkins, Harry (1890–1946), 823, 835, 836
Horne, Lena (1917–2010), 969
horses, 621
Horton, Willie, 1069
Hose, Sam (d. 1899), 666
hospitals, 1063
House Beautiful, 947
House of Mirth, The (Wharton), 612
House of Representatives, U.S., 583, 583 ,
598, 631, 657, 792, 971, 1077, 1118,
1124–25, 1128, 1148
African-Americans in, 591
Clinton’s impeachment and, 1102–3
Johnson’s impeachment and, 584
Judiciary Committee of, 1042
Un-American Activities Committee
(HUAC) of, 856, 929, 931, 957,
World War I and, 745
Housing Act (1949), 951
Housing and Urban Development Depart-
ment, U.S., 997
housing bubble, 1128–29, 1134, 1142
Houston, Charles Hamilton (1895–1950),
854, 972
Houston, Tex., 945
population of, 875
Houston, Ulysses S. (b. 1825), 564
Howard, Mary W., 721
Howard, Merrimon (b. 1821), 569
Howard, O. O. (1830–1909), 571–72, 573,
576, 621–24
Howard University, 568
Howe, Timothy (1816–1883), 590
Howells, William Dean (1837–1920), 687
Howl (Ginsberg), 967–68
How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 613, 1123
HUAC, see House of Representatives, U.S.,
Un-American Activities Committee of
Hudson River school, 695

Hispanics, see Latinos
Hiss, Alger (1904–1996), 929, 930, 957
History of the Standard Oil Company (Tar-
bell), 695
Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), 776, 822, 865,
868, 898, 899, 906, 908, 924, 926
“final solution” of, 873, 885
and nonaggression pact, 867, 868
HMOs, see Health Maintenance
Ho Chi Minh (1890–1969), 774, 775, 963,
Hoffman, Abbie (1936–1989), 1013, 1026
Hoffman, Julius (1896–1983), 1026
Holland, see Netherlands
Hollande, François, 1147
Hollywood, 785, 796, 800
blacklisting in, 929
communism and, 918, 919 , 929
image of America and, 786
racism and, 918
rise of, 783
sexually charged films from, 788
strikes in, 923
World War II and, 879, 885
see also motion pictures
Hollywood Ten, 929
Holmes, John Hayes (1879–1964), 797
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841–1935), 760,
Holmes doctrine, 798
Holocaust, 873, 885
Home, Sweet Home (song), 828
homelessness, 1063
Great Depression and, 812, 842–43
home ownership, 1128, 1129–32
middle class and, 828, 841
post-World War II, 883, 922
Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, 829
Home Protection movement, 676–77
Homer, Winslow (1836–1910), 572
Homestead, Pa., Carnegie’s factories in,
609, 676, 769, 832
Homestead Act (1862), 581, 615, 616, 694
Home to Harlem (McKay), 809
homosexuals, homosexuality, 713, 858,
929, 933, 967, 984, 1037, 1065, 1100,
1126, 1130
and AIDS, 1097–98
Nazi extermination of, 873
see also gay rights
Honduras, 739, 1123
drug trade in, 1145

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