An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-107

freedom and, 698–99, 701
from Germany, 706
global, 696–98
“golden door” and, 803
illegal, 1123–25
from India, 1087, 1091, 1092
IQ tests and, 759
from Japan, 617
Ku Klux Klan, 802–3
from Latin America, 997, 1087, 1091,
from Mexico, 614, 708, 804, 849, 849 ,
886–87, 996, 1087 , 1091–92, 1093 ,
1123–24, 1148
from Middle East, 1118
to New York, 694
prejudice and, 780
progressivism and, 719–20
quotas, 996
reform of 1965, 996–97
religion and, 799
Republicans as anti-immigration,
1099–1100, 1148
restrictions on, 669–70, 759–60, 792,
803–7, 804 , 852, 885, 890
rights, 1125
from Russia, 743
Tea Party and, 1148
Texas and, 1124
undocumented, 1123
volume of, 696–98, 698
wages and, 699
and West, 614, 615
from Western Hemisphere, 804
women and, 699, 1091
World War I and, 661, 765
World War II and, 863
see also specific nationalities
Immigration Act (1924), 804
Immigration Commission, U.S., 755
Immigration Restriction League, 670, 780
of Andrew Johnson, 584–85
of Clinton, 1102–3
imperialism, 889, 911
Christianity and, 678
decolonization and, 917, 963
international, 677–78
moral, 739–40
as “New Imperialism,” 678
U.S., 677–89, 881
Inchon, South Korea, 914, 915
income, inequality in, 1139, 1141 , 1142

Huerta, Victoriano (1854–1916), 741
Hughes, Charles Evans (1862–1948), 744,
791, 844
Hughes, Langston (1902–1967), 809,
906–7, 1154
Hull House, 719–20, 758, 823
Human Be-In, 1012, 1012
human rights, 1066, 1079, 1080, 1131
ambiguities of, 921–22
rise of, 920–22, 925
Humphrey, Hubert (1911–1978), 925, 979,
993, 1026, 1027
Hundred Days, 824, 825, 826
Hungary, 768, 772, 962
Huntington, Samuel P. (1927–2008), 1125
Hyde Park, 822
hydrogen bomb, 961
see also atomic bomb; nuclear weapons

IBM, 1082
ICBMs, see intercontinental ballistic
Ickes, Harold (1874–1952), 823, 826, 850
Idaho, 621, 722, 1042
corporate mining in, 618
socialism in, 706
woman suffrage in, 655, 721
Idaho territory, 614
Ideas Have Consequences (Weaver), 956
identity politics, 1099–1100
“If We Must Die” (McKay), 809
“I Have a Dream” (King), 976
“illegal aliens,” 805
Illinois, 948, 1057, 1109
woman suffrage in, 722
Illinois, University of, 951
Illinois Supreme Court, 638
I Married a Communist (movie), 918
immigrants, immigration, 604, 605, 614,
651, 680, 687, 694, 695 , 697 , 755–58,
828, 842–43, 852, 853, 885, 1087–94,
1087 , 1090 , 1091 , 1093 , 1099, 1100,
1110, 1123–25
AFL and, 676
from Africa, 1094–95
Americanization and, 755–58, 792,
802–3, 852, 885
Asian, 696, 761, 803, 804, 886, 996,
from China, 617, 670–72
to cities, 696–98
Cold War and, 928
Congress and, 933–34

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