An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-111

prisoners as, 660
and Prohibition, 752
racially integrated, 640
radicals, 852, 854, 856
railroads and, 656
Reagan and, 1062–63
reform, 730–31
segregation and, 661
unemployment and, 729, 731, 812, 814,
815, 822, 825, 833, 836, 837, 841,
845 , 846, 849, 850, 858, 942, 1000,
1045, 1095, 1095 , 1120, 1129
women and, 640, 717, 723–24, 761, 862,
1100, 1101
and work hours, 611, 634, 637, 699, 716,
723–24, 749, 761, 830, 844, 883
working conditions and, 704, 719–20,
723–24, 747, 761, 786
and working hours, 618
workmen’s compensation and, 724
and World War II, 873, 875–76, 922–23
see also child labor; unions
Labor Department, U.S., 830, 845, 846,
852, 1033
labor movement, 704, 821
decline of, 1062
World War I and, 743
see also unions
Laboulaye, Édouard de (1811–1883), 603
Labour Party (Great Britain), 900
La Follette, Robert M. (1855–1925), 717,
719, 794, 794 , 856
La Guardia, Fiorello (1882–1947), 852
laissez-faire economics, 647, 728, 840,
Lakotas, 628
Land Commission, 593
Landes, Bertha, 722
Land of the Free (MacLeish), 839
Landon, Alfred (1887–1987), 841
Lange, Dorothea (1895–1965), 813 , 849 ,
851 , 853
Lansing, Robert (1864–1928), 773
Laos, 869, 1043
Lardner, Ring, Jr. (1915–2000), 929
Las Vegas, Nev.:
nuclear tests in, 928
segregation in, 969
Lathrop, Julia (1858–1932), 720
Latin America, 795, 864, 896, 909, 1007–8,
1049, 1072, 1082, 1117
JFK and, 989–90
Liberation theology and, 1013

Poor People’s March and, 1025
Selma campaign of, 995–96
King, Rodney (1965–), 1097
Kiowas, 621
Kipling, Rudyard (1865–1936), 684, 688
Kirk, Russell (1918–1994), 956
Kirkpatrick, Jeane (1926–2006), 1066
Kissinger, Henry (1923–), 1038, 1047
kitchen debate, 941, 942
Knights of Labor, 640–41, 644, 645, 646,
660, 673, 703, 896
Know-Nothing (American) Party, 646
Koehler, Robert (1850–1917), 640
immigrants from, 890, 1092
see also North Korea; South Korea
Korean War, 914–16, 915 , 925, 930, 958,
armistice in, 961
casualties in, 915–16
Korematsu, Fred (1919–2005), 892–93
Korematsu v. United States, 892–93
Kosovo, 1080
Kremlin, 914
Kroc, Ray (1902–1984), 948
Kroeber, Alfred (1876–1960), 806
Ku Klux Klan, 595–96, 596 , 598, 646, 664,
763 , 802 , 806, 807, 810, 924, 985, 993
reemergence of, 802–3
Kursk, Russia, 872
Kuwait, 1073
Kyoto Protocol (1997), 1111
Kyrgyzstan, 1075 , 1113

labor, 637–47, 830–33, 906, 960
African-Americans and, 855–56, 969,
agricultural, 848–49
capitalism vs., 639–47
capital vs., 634
civil liberties and, 709, 855–57
contracts, 636–37, 641, 960, 969
“cross of gold” speech and, 657
decline of, 787
dignity of, 637
Fordism and, 702
in Gilded Age, 639–47
globalization and, 1091
government and, 656
migrant, 785
New Deal and, 825, 880
and politics, 833
Populist Party and, 653

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