An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-112 ★ INDEX

Lewis, Sinclair (1885–1951), 836
Leyte Gulf, 898
liberalism, 816, 821, 852, 854, 881–82,
895, 897, 922, 932, 933, 956, 993–94,
1003, 1027, 1032, 1041, 1053, 1059,
1068, 1099
Clinton and, 1075, 1078
Democratic Party and, 933
FDR and, 839
New Deal and, 926, 984
New Left and, 1003, 1009
1968 election and, 1027
Nixon’s welfare plan and, 1033
Watergate and, 1043
Liberal Republican Party, 596–97, 635
Liberation theology, 1013
Liberia, 739, 1152
libertarianism, 955, 1058
Liberty, Miss., 893
Liberty Bell, 749, 954
Liberty Bonds, 747, 750, 770
Liberty Enlightening the World, 603
Liberty Island, 604
Liberty Leading the People (Delacroix),
Liberty Loans, 754
liberty of contract, 723–24, 829, 839, 844,
Liberty Tracts, 687
ISIS in, 1146
uprising in, 1146
Lieberman, Joseph (1942–), 1103
Liebknecht, Karl (1871–1919), 753
Life, 789 , 952, 955, 965
life expectancy, 1140
in U.S., 1151, 1152
worldwide, 1150
light bulb, 608, 811
Lilienthal, David E. (1899–1981), 955
Liliuokalani, queen of Hawaii (1838–1917),
Lincoln, Abraham (1809–1865), 579, 603,
756, 821–22, 842, 850, 878
see also Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln Memorial, 850, 1009
King’s speech in front of, 988
Lindbergh, Charles (1902–1974), 783, 867
Lippmann, Walter (1889–1974), 702, 719,
730, 747, 754, 768, 790, 823, 838,
902, 1005
on Cold War, 916
literacy, in U.S., 1150

post-World War II prejudice against, 888
World War II and, 888
Latinos, 944, 952, 1035, 1063, 1087, 1095,
1097, 1135
activism among, 1018–19, 1019
affirmative action and, 1035
and feminism, 1018–19
G. W. Bush and, 1124
immigrant rights movement and, 1125
as immigrants, 996, 1087, 1091,
nativism and, 1148
population growth, 1123
poverty rates of, 1141
in 2012 election and campaign, 1150
Latino Studies, 1099
Latvia, 772, 901
Laurens, Henry (1724–1792), 906
Lawrence, D. H. (1885–1930), 797
Lawrence, Jacob, 766
Lawrence, Mass., strike in, 708
Lawrence v. Texas, 1126
Lay, Kenneth (1942–2006), 1084
Lazarus, Emma (1849–1887), 604
lead, mining of, 618
League for Industrial Democracy, 1004
League of Nations, 746, 771, 773, 774,
776, 795, 902, 921
Congress and, 776
League of United Latin American Citizens
(LULAC), 888, 972
League of Women Voters, 788
Leary, Timothy (1920–1996), 1012, 1012
Lease, Mary Elizabeth (1853–1933), 655
Leave It to Beaver (TV show), 947
Lebanon, 774, 964, 1066
Left-wing Manifesto (Gitlow), 798
legislature, direct, 717
Lehman Brothers, 1129, 1132–33, 1134
Lend-Lease Act (1941), 868
Lenin, Vladimir I. (1870–1924), 745, 768,
Leo XIII, Pope (1810–1903), 703
“Letter from Birmingham Jail” (King), 987
Levi’s, 947
Levitt, Alfred (1912–1966), 944
Levitt, William (1907–1994), 944, 951
Levittown, N.Y., 944
Lewelling, Lorenzo, 655
Lewinsky, Monica (1973–), 1102
Lewis, John L. (1880–1969), 831–32, 988
Lewis, Meriwether (1774–1809), 621

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