An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-122 ★ INDEX

Popular Front, 853, 854, 884, 933
of African-Americans, 807
in agriculture, 944
of buffalo, 621
of Chicago, 606
growth of, 1046
of Hiroshima, 899
of Houston, 875
of Los Angeles, 785
of Middle Border, 615
of Native Americans, 613
of New Orleans, 875
rise of, 693
of United States, 949, 1034
Populism, western, 1056
Populist movement, 650, 651–59, 703, 813,
agriculture and, 652
Populist (People’s) Party, 652–59, 654 , 655 ,
662, 672, 705, 716–17
Bryan in, 657
depression of 1893 and, 656
election of 1892 and, 655
election of 1896 and, 658
industrial workers and, 652, 656
labor and, 653
platform of 1892 of, 653
Pullman strike and, 656
racial alliances of, 654
supporters of, 652
woman suffrage and, 722
women in, 655
Porter, James (b. 1828), 564
Port Huron, Mich., 1004
Port Huron Statement, 994, 1004
Portland, Oreg., 818, 874
Portugal, 963
Posse Comitatus, 1101
Post, Louis (1849–1928), 771
Postal Service, U.S., 796
“postracial” America, 1142–44
Potomac River, 1009
Potsdam conference, 900, 962
poultry, 944
poverty rate, 942, 998 , 1046
of African-Americans, 1141 , 1142
of Native Americans, 1098
in twenty-first century, 1151
Powderly, Terence V. (1849–1924), 640
Powell, Colin (1937–), 1074, 1114–15, 1119
Powell, John Wesley, 616, 618
Powell, Lewis F. (1907–1998), 1036
Poyntz, Juliet Stuart (1886–1937?), 787

Phillips County, Ark., race riot in, 767
Phoenix, Ariz., 945, 1046
phonograph, 608, 783
photography, in Great Depression, 853
Picasso, Pablo (1881–1973), 712
Pickford, Mary (1893–1979), 796
Pike, James S. (1811–1882), 597
Pinchback, Pinckney B. S. (1837–1921),
Pinchot, Gifford (1865–1946), 727, 729
Pinckney, Clementa, 1131
Pingree, Hazen (1840–1901), 716
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 650
Pinochet, Augusto (1915–2006), 1038
Pittsburgh, Pa.:
manufacturing in, 606
September 11 terrorist attack in, 1105
Pittsburgh Courier, 847, 895, 898
Plains Indians, 621, 624
Planter, 592
planters, plantations, 590, 593, 660, 661
in California, 617
in Caribbean, 683, 684
emancipated slaves and, 570
in Hawaii, 686, 805
post-Civil War, 570–71, 573–74
sugar, 697
Platt, Orville H. (1827–1905), 683
Platt Amendment (1901), 683, 864
Playboy, 967, 1016
Pledge of Allegiance, 680, 953
Plessy, Homer (1858?-1925), 665
Plessy v. Ferguson, 664–65, 665 , 971, 972
PLO, see Palestine Liberation Organization
“plumbers” unit, Nixon’s, 1041
plumbing, indoor, 943
pluralism, 854, 884, 918, 997
see also diversity
Poland, 772, 901, 909
German invasion of, 867
immigrants from, 696
African-Americans killed by, 1142–44
militarization of, 1142–44, 1143
Polish-Americans, 698, 770, 807, 885, 932
political action committee (PACs), 1150
Pollock, Jackson (1912–1956), 918, 919
pollution, 1032, 1060
see also environmentalism
polygamy, in Utah, 620, 722
Pontchartrain, Lake, 1121
Ponzi schemes, 1133
Poor People’s March, 1025
“popery,” see Catholics, Catholicism

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