An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-121

Parrish, Lucian W., 792
Parsons, Albert (1849–1887), 645–46
Parsons, Lucy (1853?-1942), 645
Passing of Great Race, The (Grant), 755
PATCO, 1062
Paterson, N.J.:
manufacturing in, 1046
strike in, 708
Pathé film company, 783
Patrons of Husbandry, see Grange
Patten, Simon (1852–1922), 669, 703
Paul, Alice (1885–1977), 750, 787–88, 1054
Payne-Aldrich Tariff (1909), 729
Peace Corps, 989, 998
Pearl Harbor, 680
Japanese attack on, 868–69, 878, 886,
890, 992, 1113
Pearson, Levi, 972
Peckham, Rufus (1838–1909), 639
Pelosi, Nancy, 1128
Pendergast, Tom (1872–1945), 909
penicillin, 949
Pennsylvania, 630, 1049, 1140
Pennsylvania Railroad, 609
Pentagon, 1009
September 11 attack on, 1105
Pentagon Papers, 1040, 1041, 1043
“peonage” laws, 764
People’s Party, see Populist Party
People’s Party Paper, 653
People’s Temple cult, 1014
Pequot Indians, 1098
perestroika, 1067
Perkins, Frances (1882–1965), 823, 830,
838, 845, 846, 852, 869
Perkins, George (1862–1920), 707
Perot, Ross (1930–), 1076
Pershing, John J. (1860–1948), 742, 746
Persian Gulf, 1072
Carter Doctrine and, 1051
Pesotta, Rose (1896–1965), 854
Phantom Public, The (Lippmann), 790
Philadelphia, Miss., 993, 1057
Philadelphia, Pa., Freedom Train in, 905
Philadelphia Plan, 1033–34
Philippines, 681, 685–86, 687, 688, 728,
1038, 1050
immigrants from, 617, 680, 804, 890
independence of, 917
U.S. acquisition of, 651, 683–84, 735
in World War II, 869, 898
see also Filipinos
Philippine War, 683–84, 687, 753
Phillips, Wendell (1811–1884), 756

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun-
tries (OPEC), 1045
Oslo, Norway, accords in, 1079
Oswald, Lee Harvey (1939–1963), 992
Other America, The (Harrington), 997, 1004,
Otis, James (1725–1783), 771
Ottoman Empire, in World War I, 742, 772,
773–74, 775
Our Bodies, Ourselves, 1027
Our Country (Strong), 679
Overseas Highway, 826
overtime pay, 844
Owens Valley, Calif., aqueduct at, 727
Oxford, Miss., 986
ozone layer, 981
depletion of, 1081

Pacific islands, 927
Pacific Northwest, 820
World War I and, 743
World War II and, 866
Packard, Vance (1914–1996), 966
PACs (political action committees), 1150
Padmore, George (1903–1959), 898
Page, Horace (1833–1890), 670
Paine, Thomas (1737–1809), 753, 756,
1059, 1101
Pakistan, 917, 963, 1153
Osama bin Laden killed in, 1145
war on terror in, 1145
Palestine, 774, 1025, 1079, 1106, 1114
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 1079
Palestinian Authority, 1079
Palin, Sarah (1964–), 1135
Palmer, A. Mitchell (1872–1936), 768, 770
Palmer Raids, 770–71
Pan-African Congress, 774, 897
Panama, 738–39, 738 , 1073
Panama Canal, 735, 737–39, 738 , 1050
construction of, 738
Panama Canal Company, 738
Pan-American Exposition, 725
Panic of 1907, 732
Papua New guinea, 1152
Paris, 1025, 1026
German occupation of, 867
liberation of, 871
terrorist attacks in, 1147
Vietnam peace agreement in, 1040
Parks, Gordon, 978
Parks, Rosa (1913–2005), 970, 974–75,
975 , 1137

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