An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-126 ★ INDEX

race, 766, 886, 893, 999–1001, 1097,
Reconstruction, 584
zoot suit, 887
“River, The,” 1047
River Rouge auto plant, 947
Riverside Church, 800
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, 1064
roads, 782, 826, 834, 836
Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 883
Roaring Twenties, 781
robber barons, 611, 955
Roberts, John (1955–), 1127
Robertson, Pat (1930–), 1100
Robeson, Paul (1898–1976), 854, 898, 935
Robin Hood, 932
Robinson, Bill, 809
Robinson, Earl (1910–1991), 854
Robinson, Jackie (1919–1972), 924
Robinson, Jo Ann (1912–1992), 974, 988
rock-and-roll, 967, 1012, 1013
Rockefeller, John D. (1839–1937), 609–11,
679, 695, 708, 728, 786, 800
Rockefeller, Nelson (1908–1979), 865, 1047
Rockwell, Norman (1894–1978), 861, 862,
864, 864 , 877, 879, 880, 885, 918, 925
Roe v. Wade, 1024, 1055
Rogers, Will (1879–1935), 794
“Roll on, Columbia” (Guthrie), 818
Romania, 909
Rommel, Erwin (1891–1944), 871
Romney, Mitt (1947–):
“47 percent” remark by, 1149
Bain Capital and, 1148–49
Massachusetts health-care plan and,
in 2012 election and campaign, 1148–50
Romney campaign spending, 1150
Roosevelt, Eleanor (1884–1962), 845, 850,
920, 921
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1882–1945), 660,
692, 770, 834, 840 , 842, 846, 851,
864, 869, 873, 874, 894, 897, 900,
901 , 908, 909, 925, 933, 999, 1031,
1059, 1078, 1103, 1112
antilynching law and, 850, 851
Atlantic Charter and, 902–3
background of, 821–22
black voters and, 841
“court packing” by, 841, 858
death of, 898, 903
Economic Bill of Rights and, 882–83

Republican Party (modern) (continued)
conservatives in, 962
Contract with America, 1077
corruption in, 630
Eisenhower and, 957–59
in election of 1896, 657
in election of 1916, 744
in election of 1928, 810
in election of 1936, 841
in election of 1946, 923
in election of 1952, 957–59, 958
in election of 1968, 1027
in election of 1972, 1042
in election of 1992, 1076
in election of 2000, 1103
and Equal Rights Amendment, 1057
high tariff supported by, 632
industrialists and, 639
Johnson’s impeachment and, 584–85
Liberal, 596–97, 635
liberal reformers’ split from, 635
in 1920s, 790–91
1964 convention of, 994, 1058
1992 convention of, 1076, 1100
North and, 658
in Reconstruction, 571, 579–84, 590,
593, 594–95, 597–98
rise of, 646
South and, 663
Soviet Union and, 864
and Supreme Court, 829
Taft and, 729
Truman Doctrine and, 910
YAF and, 995
see also Radical Republicans; specific
elections and campaigns
Republic Steel, 832
Rerum Novarum, 703
reservations, Indian, 624–27, 626 , 715, 803,
848, 890, 1019
Resettlement Administration, 828
Resolution of Regret (2012), 671
Revels, Hiram (1822–1901), 591, 591
reverse discrimination, 1000, 1035
Rhineland, 772, 865
Rhine River, 898
rice, 660
Richardson, Elliot (1920–1999), 1042
Rickey, Branch (1881–1965), 924
Riesman, David (1909–2002), 966
right to work laws, 924
Riis, Jacob (1849–1914), 613, 613 , 1123
Rincon Center, 925

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