An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-130 ★ INDEX

desegregation in, 896, 971, 973, 977,
978, 1000
in election of 1948, 926
in election of 1964, 994
Freedom Rides in, 985
fundamentalists in, 801
industry in, 846–47, 874–75, 943, 960
Jim Crow and, 969
libertarianism in, 955
New, see New South
New Deal and, 846–47
Nixon and, 1033–34
Operation Dixie in, 922, 923
People’s Party in, 652
population growth and, 1046
poverty in, 858, 1123
segregation in, 651, 659–69, 851 , 886,
889, 972, 978 , 983–84, 986–87,
sit-ins in, 983–84
strikes in, 831
urban areas of, 574–75
voting in, 790, 924, 993
see also Confederate States of America
South Africa, 774, 917, 1038, 1066, 1071
apartheid in, 1009
South America, 865
immigrants from, 1091, 1094
South Asia, Islam in, 1125
South Braintree, Mass., Sacco and Vanzetti
in, 779–80
South Carolina, 576, 660, 715, 1126
Confederate flag and, 977
Reconstruction in, 593, 597–98
textiles in, 660
South Carolina Senate, 1131
South Dakota, 615
corporate mining in, 618
population of, 694
Wounded Knee massacre in, 627
South Dakota territory, 614
Southern Christian Leadership Conference,
Southern Conference for Human Welfare,
858, 935
Southern Manifesto, 971, 977
Southern Pacific Railroad, 617, 717
Southern Tenant Farmers Union, 855
Southern veto, 846–47
South Gate, Calif., 1063
South Korea, 1043–44, 1050
and BP oil rig, 1137
creation of, 914
immigrants from, 1091

socialism (continued)
Espionage Act and, 753
European vs. American view of, 642
Friedrich Hayek and, 883, 884
in Gilded Age, 640, 642
Henry Wallace and, 926
immigrants and, 759, 787
middle class and, 643
as nationalism, 643
woman suffrage and, 721
World War I and, 743, 755
Socialist Party, 705–6, 705 , 714, 729, 730 ,
748, 756, 771, 787
capitalism vs., 729, 853
“social legislation,” 715
social media:
Black Lives Matter and, 1144
ISIS and, 1147
social rights, in U.S., 1152
Social Security, 841, 846, 858, 897, 956,
994, 1032, 1065, 1151
African-Americans and, 847, 850, 999
creation of, 837
Eisenhower and, 959
freedom and, 845
NRPB and, 882
taxes support for, 838, 846, 847
Truman and, 922, 927, 934
in World War II, 876
Social Security Act (1935), 821, 837, 847,
Social Security Bill, 837
Society of American Indians, 714
Solomon Islands, 870
Somalia, 1094
war on terror in, 1145
Somoza, Anastasio (1925–1980), 795, 864,
1050, 1066
Sons of Italy, 780
Sorry Day, 628
Sotomayor, Sonia (1954–), 1137
Soule, George (1887–1970), 840
Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois), 675,
763, 775
Souter, David (1939–), 1137
South, 632, 751 , 764, 784, 863, 875 , 893,
986–87, 1031, 1041, 1104, 1135
African-Americans in, 660–61, 764, 765,
787, 807, 808 , 886, 889, 893–94, 935,
993, 1000
agriculture in, 944
black migration from, 951–52, 969
convict labor in, 660
Democratic Party and, 659, 811

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