An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-131

special interests, 727
lobbying by, 630, 790, 883
Spokane, Wash., 709
Springfield, Mo., 763
Springsteen, Bruce (1949–), 1047
Sputnik, 960, 979
Square Deal, 725
stagflation, 1044–45, 1057
Stalin, Joseph (1879–1953), 822, 853, 867,
900, 901 , 908, 909, 912, 916, 926,
933, 962
death of, 961
and nonaggression pact, 867
World War II strategy of, 871
Stalingrad, 871
Standard Oil Company, 609, 610, 679, 695,
Stanford University, 759
Stanton, Edwin M. (1814–1869), 564, 584
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815–1902), 588,
589 , 756, 787
Starr, Kenneth (1947–), 1102–3
“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (Key), 680
state-church separation, 801, 1023
State Department, U.S., 908, 918–19, 929,
961, 978, 1005, 1066, 1114, 1117
McCarthy and, 929, 930, 936
Staten Island, N.Y., 1143
State of the Union Address (1941), 861
State of the Union Address (1996), 1078
State of the Union Address (2002), 1113
states’ rights, 926, 1057
Andrew Johnson’s views of, 579
States’ Rights Democratic Party, 926, 927
Statue of Liberty, 603–4, 623, 644, 646,
702, 749–50, 749 , 754 , 763, 932 , 954
Stead, W. T. (1849–1912), 734–35
steamships, 609
steel industry, 609, 649–51, 660, 676, 702,
704, 736, 769–70, 782, 790–91, 830,
832, 874, 922–23, 943, 948, 959, 960,
1062, 1120
Steel Workers Organizing Committee, 831,
Steffens, Lincoln (1866–1936), 695, 784
Steichen, Edward (1879–1973), 695
Stein, Gertrude (1874–1946), 797
Steinbeck, John (1902–1968), 827,
Stennis, John C. (1901–1995), 1042
sterilization, involuntary, 760
Stettheimer, Florine, 754
Stevens, Thaddeus (1792–1868), 581–82,
583, 583 , 596–97

South Vietnam, 1006, 1008, 1024, 1039
Southwest, 1123
Soviet Exhibition, 940
Soviet Union, 767–68, 812, 822, 853, 864,
866, 867, 871, 900, 907, 910, 920,
921, 926, 929, 935, 956, 966, 1003,
1032, 1038, 1050, 1067–68
Afghanistan invasion by, 1051–52
American National Exhibition and, 940,
atomic bomb of, 912
Berlin occupation by, 912–13
breakup of, 1072, 1074, 1075
Cold War and, 916
collapse of communism in, 1072
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 990–91
Czechoslovakia invasion by, 1026
Eastern Europe occupation by, 901, 902,
908, 912
Eisenhower and, 961–62
European empires and, 962
German invasion of, 868, 871, 872 , 908
Gulf War and, 1074
hydrogen bomb and, 961
invasion of Germany by, 898
Korean War and, 914–16
Lend-Lease and, 868
Manchuria invasion by, 899
Reagan and, 1065
space exploration and, 960, 979, 989
spying of, 932
support of the arts by, 918
in U.N., 902
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and, 921
Vietnam and, 1006, 1038
weapons tests of, 927
see also Cold War
soybean, 944
Spain, 681, 768, 932
rise of Franco in, 865
Spanish-American War, 680, 681, 682 , 683,
685, 685 , 686, 728, 804
acquisition of empire and, 735
Battle of San Juan Hill in, 681–82
casualties in, 681
causes of, 681
naval battle at Manila Bay in, 681
see also Philippine War
Spanish Civil War, 866, 932
Sparkman, John (1899–1985), 935
speakeasies, 781, 801, 808
Special Field Order 15, 566
Special Forces, U.S., 1145

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