An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-133

Tape v. Hurley, 671–72
Tarbell, Ida (1857–1944), 695
tariffs, 605, 632, 657, 658, 659, 680, 728,
729, 731, 790, 815
Tarkington, Booth (1869–1946), 877
tax, single, 717
taxes, 730, 795, 834, 923, 954, 955, 956,
1052, 1053, 1059, 1064, 1077, 1095
corporate, 876
on corporations, 835
demands for lowering, 1056
Gingrich and, 1077
in Great Britain, 1057
Great Depression and, 815
G. W. Bush’s cuts in, 1110, 1128, 1137
income, 653, 726, 728–29, 731, 747,
790, 874, 994, 997
inheritance, 726
New Deal and, 846, 848
poll, 663, 925, 996
property, 716, 1035
single, 642, 717
Social Security, 838, 846, 847
World War I and, 747
World War II and, 874
Tax Reform Act (1986), 1059–62
Taylor, Frederick W. (1856–1915), 704
Tea Party:
agenda of, 1147–48
Paul D. Ryan and, 1149
Teapot Dome scandal, 791
innovations in, 608
in World War I, 742
teenagers, 966–67
Tehran, 900, 901 , 1051
telegraph, transatlantic, 608
telephones, 608, 783
television, 940, 942, 944, 947, 1026, 1066,
1083, 1094, 1119, 1144
civil rights movement and, 987, 987 , 996
family life on, 947, 949
Iran hostage crisis and, 1051
in 1960 campaign, 980
politics and, 958, 1069
religion and, 835, 953
religious programing and, 1053
Vietnam War and, 1024
Teller, Henry (1830–1914), 681
Teller Amendment, 681
temperance, 643, 676–77
see also Prohibition
Ten Commandments, 861

civil rights and, 1021–22, 1022 , 1027,
Clinton’s appointments to, 1076
“court packing” and, 841
Defense of Marriage Act and, 1100
Dred Scott decision of, 586
FDR and, 823, 841–44, 858
First Amendment and, 877
G. W. Bush and, 1126–27
homosexuals and, 1065
housing segregation and, 951
Japanese-American internment and, 892
New Deal and, 829–30
Obama and, 1137
Pentagon Papers and, 1040
Plessy v. Ferguson and, 664–65, 665 ,
971, 972
right to privacy and, 1023–24
sanctions involuntary sterilization, 760
Scottsboro case and, 855
“separate but equal” ruling of, 665, 665
and 2000 election, 1103–4, 1104
Voting Rights Act repealed by, 1142
see also Burger Court; Warren Court
Suriname, 1152
surveillance, government, 1147
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of
Education, 1035
sweatshops, 691–92, 721
Sweatt, Heman (1912–1982), 972
Sweet, Henry O. (ca. 1905–1940), 809
Sweet, Ossian, 809
Sweetwater, Tex., 880
Switzer, Katharine, 1016
Switzerland, male suffrage in, 630
Syria, 774, 1044, 1119
ISIS in, 1146

Taft, Robert A. (1889–1953), 840, 892, 957
Taft, William Howard (1857–1930), 684,
725, 728–29, 731, 791
inaugural address of, 728
Latin America and, 739
Taft-Hartley Act (1947), 923–24, 925, 934,
Taiwan, 914, 1038, 1044
Tajikistan, 1075 , 1113
Taliban, 1052, 1112–13, 1145
Tammany Hall, 810
tanks (military), 873
Tanzania, 963
terrorist attack in, 1106
Tape, Joseph and Mary, 672

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