An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-136 ★ INDEX

Urban League, 847, 934
urban renewal, 951
U’Ren, William, 717
USA Patriot Act, 1117–18
extension of, 1145
U.S. Steel, 609, 610 , 725, 812, 832
U.S. v. Abrams, 799
Mormons in, 620
polygamy in, 620, 722
woman suffrage in, 721
Utah territory, 614
utilities, 716, 730
Uzbekistan, 1113

Valentino, Rudolph (1895–1926), 788
Vanderberg, Arthur (1884–1951), 910
Vanderbilt, William (1821–1885), 692
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo (1888–1927), 779–80,
vaudeville, 699
Veblen, Thorstein (1857–1929), 612
V-E Day, 898
velvet revolution, 1072
Venezuela, 739, 795
Veracruz, Mexico, 741
Verdun, Battle of, 742
Verizon, 1147
Vermont, 841
Versailles conference, 768
Versailles Treaty, 771–72, 773 , 774, 775 ,
776, 810, 865
Senate debate on, 776
vertical integration, 609, 610, 610
Veterans’ Administration, 829
Veterans’ Bureau, 791
veto, presidential, 582, 923, 933
veto, Southern, 846
Viet Cong, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1024, 1040
Vietnam, 774, 869, 963, 1092, 1116
see also North Vietnam; South Vietnam
Vietnamization, 1039
Vietnam War, 750, 873, 980, 1002, 1007 ,
1019 , 1038, 1043, 1074, 1121
and antiwar movement, 1008–9,
1024–25, 1039
casualties in, 1040
draft resisters of, 1009, 1050
end of, 1144
My Lai massacre in, 1040
Nixon and, 1039–41
origins of, 964–65, 1005–6
Paris peace agreement and, 1040

unions (continued)
open shop policies and, 825
Operation Dixie and, 922, 923
Reagan and, 1058, 1059, 1062
restrictions on, 1148
supported by left, 852
Supreme Court and, 639
Taft-Hartley Act and, 923–24, 934
Tweed and, 630
Wal-Mart and, 1086
War Labor Board and, 747
War on Poverty and, 998
women and, 880
in World War II, 875–76
see also labor; labor movement; specific
United Auto Workers (UAW), 832, 833, 846,
United Electric Worker’s union, 1015
United Farm Workers (UFW), 1018, 1092
United Fruit Company, 739, 963
United Labor Party, 646, 646
United Mine Workers of America, 709, 711,
United Nations, 908, 914, 916, 920, 1038,
1048, 1066, 1074, 1080, 1101, 1114,
in Balkans, 1080
Charter of, 964
creation of, 902
Iraq War and, 1116
see also General Assembly, U.N.; Secu-
rity Council, U.N..
United States Housing Act, 844
United States v. Butler, 829–30
United States v. Cruikshank, 598
United States v. E. C. Knight Co., 638
United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 672
United Steelworkers of America, 832
United Steelworkers of America v. Weber,
United Textile Workers, 831
Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Universal Negro Improvement Association,
universal suffrage, 589
University of North Carolina Press, 889
Unmarried Woman, An (movie), 1036
Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 1021
Uprising of the 20,000, 692, 707
urbanization, 694–703
rise of cities, 698

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