The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
changes in russian nationalist public opinion 2013–14

As can be seen in Figure 7.5, the respondents saw themselves
as most united to Ukrainians by common history, descent and
geography, placing relatively little emphasis on religion, values
or language. The major source of division was international
relations, mentioned by an impressive plurality of 42 per cent,
and an interpretation firmly in line with the Kremlin narra-
tive of a Western- backed puppet government bent on subduing
Russia and the Russians. The second- most common answers
were named by only 9–12 per cent, who indicated the divide with
Ukrainians was sharpest on issues of corruption, values, civil
society and language.
These views on what divides Ukrainians and Russians had little
to do with the respondents’ acceptance of Ukrainians as marriage
partners for close relatives. With only one marginal exception,

Figure 7.5 Factors singled out by the respondents as most uniting/dividing
the peoples of Russia and Ukraine (per cent of total)

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