The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism

Domodedovo assault, 302, 327–8,
public opinion on Chechen
terrorists, 232–3
Putin’s response to terrorist attacks,
231–2, 233–4
support for annexation of Crimea,
Chubais, Anatolii, 347
civic nation-state model
disjunction with ethnic-based
nationhood, 299–300
ethnonationalist opposition to,
36–7, 40
lack of popular appeal, 43
Medvedev’s support for, 38
nation, interpretation of, 48–50
National Democratic Alliance and,
Putin’s strategy for, 251–2, 256–7,
Russian civic nation, 264, 299–300
in state rhetoric, 38
theoretical underpinning of, 32–3
civilisational grammars
Byzantine legacy, 293
concept of, 277–8
Europeanness, 293–4
nineteenth century debate over,
Russia as a European country
following Western development,
278, 280, 281
Russia as European country
following non-Western path,
278, 282, 293–4, 295
Russia as non-European country,
278, 280–1
civilization, Russian
Europeanness of Russia, 293–5
historical identification as part of
European civilization, 278–9
preordained differences with the
West, 50–1, 60–2, 340
russkii mir (Russian world), 72, 83,
110–11, 113, 271
within triple choice of identity, 278
universality of, 111–13

collapse of the Soviet Union
lack of public desire for
reunification of, 63
non-ethnic loyalty to Russian
Federation, 26–7
psychological legacy of, 62
and revival in imperialism, 60–1
rise in ethnic nationalism, 26, 35
tough statists and reinstatement
of, 63
Combat Organisation of Russian
Nationalists (Boevaia
organizatsiia russkikh
natsionalistov) (BORN), 77, 83
Commonwealth of Independent
States, 64, 166, 344
communism, 25, 288
Concept of State Nationalities Policy,
Congress of Russian Communities
(KRO), 30, 63
conservative policies, 275, 288–90,
as ideological state posture, 287–90
Kremlin policies, 239–40, 258–-9
and immigration, 153–4
as source of Russian/Ukrainian
division, 212
Crimea, annexation of
as ethnic consolidation, 188,
202–3, 259–61
ethnic Russians (russkie), Putin’s
reference to, 18, 160, 206, 259
ethnonationalist support for, 6,
260–1, 354
future expansionism and, 247
historical justification for, 259
impact of Russian perceptions of
Ukrainians, 206, 207–9
imperial nationalist support for, 6,
70, 260
increased public support for
political unity, 82–3
media coverage and term ‘ethnic
cohesion’, 312–13
media coverage of, 192, 201–2,
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