Abolition of Slavery Act (1807)
abortion 319, 390
Abou El Fadl, K. 395
absolute fairness 427
Abu Nidal group 447
academic political theory: politics
access: equality 57, 66–7; special
Act of Union (1707) 260
affirmative action 55, 70–1;
equality 58; policies 70
Afghanistan: terrorising 460
African National Congress
(ANC): South Africa 167;
terrorism 449; Thatcher’s
opposition 12
agency 230–2
AIDS: evangelical Christians
Airey, D 313
Al-Muhajiroun 341
Al-Qaeda 445, 451, 455
alcoholism 273
Alexander II, Tsar 453
Algeria 104; Islamic
fundamentalism 387–9; Islamic
Salvation Front 104, 385, 388
Ali, T.: The Clash of the
Fundamentalisms 387
all-women shortlists 69–70
Allen, J. 19
American fundamentalism 391
Americanisation 30
Amnesty International 31
anarchical society 28
Anarchical Society, The(Bull) 33
anarchism 166, 237–57;
authoritarianism 248;
distinction between state and
government 254–5;
environmentalism 361; free-
market 241–3; green
movements 249; hierarchy 252;
new social movements 249–50;
organisation and relationships
251; philosophical 240–3;
questions 256; relationship
with socialism 240; self-
determination and restraint
252–5; Spain (Republican)
245–7; summary 255; violence
248; welfare state 255
anarchists 222
anarcho-capitalists 243
anarcho-syndicalism 244
Anarchy, State and Utopia
(Nozick) 59, 84–8, 94–5,
242–3, 476
Anderson, B. 268, 269; nation
animals: democracy 429; rights
Annan, K. 456
Anthony, S. 315
anti-authoritarianism 250
anti-capitalism 289–91
anti-Semitism: fascism in Germany
290; propaganda 291, see also
Jewish people
anti-statist 255
apartheid 215; Nazism 302; South
Africa 61, 302, 449, 468
apostasy 411
Apple Cart, The(Shaw) 101
Aquinas, T. 416, 440
Arab nationalism 387
Arab-Israeli War (1973) 388
arbitrary treatment 95
Aristotle 120, 314
Arneson, R. 44–5
Ashley, R. 19
assimilation 265
atheism 411
atheist fundamentalist 382
Augsburg: Treaty of (1555) 176
Augustine 440
Aurelius, Marcus 132
Auschwitz 281, 300
Austin, J. 62
authoritarian regime: support for
authoritarian states 9
authoritarianism: anarchism 248;
nationalism 269; scientific
socialism 219–21
authority 1; conservatives 197;
liberal democracy 3; link with
power 3–4; political 4; and
power problem 7–8; pure 4
Authority and Democracy
(Carter) 4
autonomy 178, 416
Baader-Meinhof group 450
Bad Godesberg Resolution
(Germany 1959) 228
Bakunin, M. 240, 243–9, 253,
Barnett, R. 151
Basque movement (ETA) 455
Bauer, O. 260
Bauman, V. 216, 233
Page numbers in boldtype refer to figures. Page numbers in italictype refer to tables. Page numbers followed
by ‘n’ refer to notes