Introduction to Political Theory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

King, Martin Luther: Civil Rights
Movement 423, 435–42; Letter
from Birmingham City Jail
424, 439–42
Kingdom of Ends (Kant) 185
Kitchen, M. 282, 283, 294–5,
298–9, 304
knowledge 202–3
Kohn, H. 268
Kollontai, A. 319
Kook, Rabbi A. 392
Kronstadt Rebellion (1921) 214
Kropotkin, P. 245, 248, 251, 254
Ku Klux Klan 434, 436
Kurdistan 268–9
Kymlicka, W.: Liberalism,
Community and Culture344;
Multicultural Citizenship337,
419–20; right to cultural
membership 345
Kyoto Protocol 357

labour 78
Labour Party (Britain) 214;
constitutionalism and trade
unions 227; Fabians 226; third
way 229
land: ethic 362–4; tax 89
Laqueur, W. 447, 451, 453,
455–8, 464
Latitudinarianism 177
law 13; eight conditions 62; and
equality 57; just and unjust
440; obligation to obey 430–1
Law of Peoples, The(Rawls) 413,
lawbreaking: reasons 424–5
leaders 426
left libertarianism 88–9
legal equality 57, 61–2
legal moralism 50
legitimate expectations: arbitrary
treatment 95
legitimate force 2
Lenin, V. 214; Imperialism295;
political violence 453–4
Leninist Marxism 164
Leopold, A. 362–4
lesbianism 323
Letter from Birmingham City Jail
(King) 424, 439–42
Levellers 102, 178
Leviathan(Hobbes) 114, 124,
178, 179, 446

Lewontin, R. 339
lex talionis144, 146
liberal democracy 3
liberal tradition 230
liberalism 92, 165, 171–92;
attitudes 173–4; citizenship
120; constitution and policy
173; contractarianism 178–83;
democracy 102–3; difference
475–6; environmentalism
361; fascism 284, 296–7;
Hobbes 182–3; justification
173; meaning 173–4;
nationalism 263–6; political
violence 446; questions 191;
Reformation 174–7; rights-
based 183–6; summary 190;
toleration 174–8; utilitarianism
186–8; Wars of Religion
Liberalism, Community and
Culture(Kymlicka) 344
liberation theology 391
libertarianism: left 88–9
liberty: democracy 101; equality
62–6, 93; nation 264, see also
Life and Times of Liberal
lifeboat ethics 367–9, 482, 496
Likud 393
Lincoln, Abraham 435
linguistic analysts 18–19
Lister, R. 129, 132
Locke, J. 80; just acquisition
85–7; liberalism 184; right-
based liberalism 183–4; Two
Treatises of Government102,
Lourde, A. 325
Lovelock, J. 357, 376
Lubavitch 393
Lukes, S. 6, 7
Luxemburg, R. 222

MacCallum, G. 37–8
MacDonald, K. 338
MacDonald, R. 227
Machiavelli, N. 282; The Prince
MacIntyre, A. 489, 490, 494
MacKinnon, C. 321, 322, 325,
328, 469

Macpherson, C. 4, 13; Life and
Times of Liberal Democracy
Mafia 29
majority: rule 431; tyranny
104–5; voting 426
Malcolm X: Muslim movement
Mannheim, K.: Ideology and
Utopia167–8, 216
Manual Of Political Economy
(Pareto) 287–8
Mao Tse-tung 214, 453–4
market 90; European Union 31;
failure 136; fundamentalism
379; model 4; state 17, 133,
Maronetti, F.T. 285, 286
marriage 273; forced 349
Marshall, P.: Demanding the
Marshall, T.H.: Citizenship and
Social Class122–3
Marx, K. 4–5, 14; Capital134–5,
218, 453; citizenship 121; The
Civil War in France221;
Communist Manifesto121,
218, 220, 221, 229, 230, 453;
The Eighteenth Brumaire of
Louis Bonaparte294; The
German Ideology164; Poverty
of Philosophy244; women 318
Marxism 164; can it be be
rescued? 229–32; capitalism –
key features 90; crisis 307–8,
309; inevitability 220;
introduction 218–19; Nazism
290; perspective on distributive
justice 89–94; political violence
452–3; state 17
material equality 57, 66–73
materialism 308
maximand 146
maximax 84
maximin 83
mediated offence 48
Mein Kampf(Hitler) 290
Meiwes, A. 44–5
Mendel, G. 271
meritocracy 67
Michels, R.: Political Parties 288
Michigan University 55, 55
Middle East: Islamic movements

518 Index

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