Miliband, R. 294, 295
military spending 461
Mill, J.S. 2, 146–7;
Considerations on
Representative Government
264; dangers of majoritarian
democracy 200; decency 47;
democracy 101, 103;
experiments in living 41;
freedom of action 41–2;
freedom of thought and
expression 40–1; happiness 39;
harm principle 39–40;
nationalism 264–5; On Liberty
5, 39–51; paternalism 40; The
Subjection of Women315;
tyranny of majority 104;
utilitarianism 39
Miller, D. 68, 490–2; On
Nationality270–1; unfreedom
Mind and Society(Pareto) 287–8
minorities 429
Minority Report(2002) 147,
Mitchels, R. 248
Modern Political Ideologies
(Vincent) 240
modernisation: Western values
modernity: fundamentalism
383–5; problems 399
Money, Sex and Power(Hartsock)
Monnet, J. 131
Montgomery: bus boycott 436
Montgomery Improvement
Association 438
moral autonomy 58–9
moral disapproval 49
moral equality 56–7, 171;
Nietzsche 59–61
moral law 184
moral majority 390
moral pressure 254
moral purity 434
moral theory 184–6
morality 5, 14; class war 222;
egoism 144–5
More, T.: Utopia215–16
Mosca, G.: The Ruling Class287;
Theory of Governments and
Parliamentary Government
Mosiac law 390
Mouffe, C. 114, 129
Movement for Democratic
Change (MDC) 100, 169
Mugabe, R. 169
Multicultural Citizenship
(Kymlicka) 337, 419–20
multiculturalism 12, 305, 310,
335–55; agency and identity
353; attitude 337;
constitutional diversity 345–6;
cultural membership 344–5;
culture, race, ethnicity and
religion 337–41;
environmentalism 362;
feminism 349–52;
fundamentalism 362; hybridity
343–4; identity politics 342–3;
institutional design 337;
Islamic radicalisation 340–1;
moral justification 337; new
social movement 305–10;
overlapping consensus 346–8;
public policy 337; questions
354; religion 340; separatism
207; summary 354
multinational states 265
Murambi Genocide Memorial:
Rwandan genocide 281
Muslim Brotherhood: Egypt 388,
389; Jordan 387
Mussolini, B. 101, 284–8
Mutua, M. 402
mutualism 245, 248
mutuality 6
myth 269
Naess, A. 364–7
Nagel, T. 94, 270, 494–5;
Equality and Partiality 496
Naked Rambler 48
naming and shaming 151
Napoleon Bonaparte 105, 164
Napoleon III, Emperor 244
Nash, K. 330
nation: definitions 260–1; liberty
Nation of Islam 326
nation state: end 133; nostalgic
fiction 29
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP) 436
National Front 300, 301
National Health Service (NHS)
15, 22–3
National Organisation for Women
National Socialist German
Workers’ Party 280, 289
National Union of Societies for
Equal Citizenship 316
National Women’s Suffrage
Association 315
nationalism 12, 166–7, 258–79,
490; authoritarianism 269;
civic and ethnic 267–8;
definitions 262–3; fascism
296–7; Herder 265–6;
immigration 275–6; liberalism
263–6; liberalism and soft
ethnic nationalism 268–71;
Marx and Engels 266–7; Mill
264–5; nations 260–3; question
277; socialism 266–7;
summary 276–7; war 285–6
nationalist salvation 301
natural equality 171
Natural Law and Natural Rights
(Finnis) 50, 416–18
natural law theory 400
natural right 205–6, 416
natural selection 271
nature 250; fascism 296
Nazi Europe: Jewish deportations
Nazi Germany 18, 61–2;
citizenship 414; support for
Nazi Party 215
Nazism 168, 282, 288–91;
apartheid 302; fascism
compared 293–4; French
Revolution 296; Marxism 290
need 78
negative income tax 125
negative liberty 36–7
Nekkaz, R. 336
neo-conservatism: America and
Leo Strauss 205–7;
fundamentalist Islam 207
neoliberalism 29; New Right
123–4, 301
Netherlands: prostitution laws
New Deal 228
New Labour 166
New Left Review(journal) 320
Index 519