An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Dance in a Country Tavern (Krimmel), 49
Dance Mania (Puente), 403
dance mixes, 481
dance music; see also ragtime; swing;
specifi c dances
Anglo-American, 135
band arrangements of, 116, 167
colonial, 48–50
Gottschalk, 127–28
jazz and, 286–87
orchestral arrangements of, 122
piano arrangements of, 146
traits of, 49, 55
dancing masters, 48
Danforth, Percy, 138
Danger Mouse, 548–49
Daniel Variations (Reich), 553–55
Danks, Hart P., 172
“Dark as a Dungeon,” 419
Darmstadt Conservatory, 191
Daughters of the American
Revolution, 329
Dave Matthews Band, 538
Davenport, Charles Edward “Cow
Cow,” 337
Davies, Samuel, 96
Davis, John, 91, 112, 114
Davis, Miles, 397 , 398–402, 402 , 443,
450, 482–83
Davis, Steve, 444
Davisson, Ananias, 71, 73
Dawkins, Henry (engraving), 33
Dawning of Music in Kentucky, The
(Heinrich), 18c, 124
Dawson, William, 327
Day, Doris, 457
“Day in the Life, A” (Lennon and
McCartney), 456
Day the Earth Stood Still (fi lm), 499, 501
deacon, 28
Dead Kennedys, 508
Dean, James, 424
Death of Klinghoffer, The (Adams), 552
Death Row Records, 543
Death Song (Ojibwa song), 209
Debussy, Claude, 306
“De Camptown Races.” See “Camptown
Decca Records, 431, 432
de Cormier, Robert, 154
“Deep River,” 227–29
De La Soul, 544, 545
Delmore Brothers, 343
Del Rio, Texas, 342
Delta blues, 332; see also specifi c artists,
e.g.: Johnson, Robert
Del Tredici, David, 446
Delusion of the Fury (Partch), 491
De Mare, Anthony, 285
de Mille, Agnes, 372
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 76
Density 21. 5 (Varèse), 282
Densmore, Frances, 163c, 212 ,
212–13, 215

Depression (1930s). See Great
DeSante, Peter, 138
descant, 228
Description de l’Univers (Mallet), 24
desegregation, 400, 430–31, 440
Desert Song, The (Romberg), 234
Desire (Dylan), 474
Detroit, Michigan
Motown, 463
proto-punk bands in, 473
“Detroit City,” 419
DeVito, Danny, 501
Devo, 473, 506
“Devotional” (Marsalis), 533–35
dialect songs, 267
Diana Ross and the Supremes, 464
Dickens, Charles, 95
Dickinson, John, 46, 47
Diddley, Bo (Ellis McDaniel), 421
Diddy, 544
diegetic music, 362, 500, 502
Different Trains (Reich), 552–53
DiFranco, Ani, 539
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
(DMCA), 387c, 546–49
digital rights management (DRM), 546
digital technology
downloading, 546–47
and hip-hop, 542
sampling, 545–46
Dignam, Walter, 116, 117
Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue
(Ellington), 329–30
“Dippermouth Blues” (Oliver), 287–89
dirty dozens, the, 509
disc format (phonograph records),
disc jockeys. See DJs
disco, 468, 479, 479 , 481–82
Disco Demolition Night, 482
“Disco Duck,” 479
discotheques, 479
Disco Wiz, 510
disjunct motion, 170
Disney, Walt, 307, 363–64
Dispatch, 548
dissonance, 280–82, 312
in Ellington’s Diminuendo and
Crescendo in Blue, 329
in Marsalis’s “Devotional,” 534
dissonant counterpoint, 312
Dissonant Harmony (Rudhyar), 282
“dissonated” music, 312, 316
“Divorce Me C.O.D.,” 419
“Dixie” (Emmett), 19c, 157, 159
Dixon, George Washington, 133
Dixon, Willie, 421, 426
Dixon Brothers, 343
DIY (do-it-yourself), 473
DJs (disc jockeys)
black, in early days of R&B/rock
and roll, 423
and dance mixes, 481

in discotheques, 479
hip-hop, 508–9, 512
radio, 423–24
remixes, 548
and sampling, 545
DJ Shadow, 548
DJ Spooky, 556
Dr. Dre, 543, 544, 546, 547
Doctor Atomic (Adams), 552
Dodds, Johnny, 288, 295
Dodds, Warren “Baby,” 288–91
Doggystyle (Snoop Dogg), 543
do-it-yourself (DIY), 473
Dolmayan, John, 538
Domino, Fats, 453
Dominoes, the, 424
Donaldson, Walter, 236
Donnelly, Dorothy, 275
Don’t Look Back (fi lm), 504–5
Doobie Brothers, the, 473
doo wop, 421
Dorian mode, 75, 443
in “Oye como va,” 469
Dorr ance (hymn tune), 198
Dorsey, Jimmy, 378, 429
Dorsey, Thomas A., 254c, 261 , 338–40,
Dorsey, Tommy, 378, 414, 429
Dorsey House of Music, 338
dotted rhythms, 157
double bass, 376
in bebop, 399
in big bands, 378
in bluegrass, 415, 416 , 417
in country music, 419, 420
in dance bands and orchestras,
in jazz, 287, 400, 409
in religious music, 32
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
in rhythm and blues, 421
in western swing, 346, 347 , 348
Double Concerto for Piano, Harpsi-
chord, and Small Orchestra
(Carter), 391
double stops, 267
Doucet, Michael, 521
Douglass, Frederick, 89, 152
Down Beat magazine, 405
“Downhearted Blues” (Smith), 261
downloading, legal issues with,
dozens, the, 509
Dre, Dr., 543, 544, 546, 547
Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind
(Golijov), 552
Dresser, Paul, 181, 199
Drifters, the, 452
Drifting Cowboys, 419, 420
“Driving Nails in My Coffi n,” 419
drones, 472
Druckman, Jacob, 446
drug use, 397, 399, 439, 449, 478
drum machines, 510, 543

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