An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


“Drummer Boy of Shiloh, The”
(Hays),  160
African American use of, 88, 89,
93, 96, 98–100, 99
in bands, 115, 168
in bebop, 399
in big bands, 378
in churches, 338
colonial use of, 52, 54
in dance bands and orchestras, 299
in jazz, 289, 400, 409
in L.A. studio rock productions,
military use of, 115
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
in rock, 453
in soul music, 461
in western swing, 346, 348
dub, 510
DuBois, W. E. B., 227, 324
Dudamel, Gustavo, 551, 551
duels, musical, 165
dulcimer, 218
Dun, Tan, 550
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 327
Duncan, Tommy, 346, 347
Dunlap, William, 60
Dunn, Bob, 346
Durham, Eddie, 376
Dust Bowl (1930s), 354, 457–58
Dutrey, Honoré, 287, 288
Dvor ̆ák, Antonín, 189, 193, 195, 228,
233, 325
Dwellers of the Western World (Sousa),
Dwight, John Sullivan, 120 , 120–22, 128
Dwight’s Journal of Music (periodical),
Dylan, Bob, 151, 386c, 434–39, 436 , 437 ,
453–54, 456, 474, 482, 499,
504–5, 519, 537
Dylan, Jakob, 538
Dynamic Motion (Cowell), 284
dynamics, 312
in Ellington’s Diminuendo and
Crescendo in Blue, 329

Eagles, the, 473
Earle, Steve, 540
early music, 497
Earth, Wind, and Fire, 479
East Coast rap, 544
Eastern Europe, 526
“East St. Louis Toodle-Oo”
(Ellington), 301
Easy Instructor, The (Little and Smith),
70, 70
Ebb, Fred, 485
Ebenezer Baptist Church
(Chicago), 338
Ebony Concerto (Stravinsky), 389
Echoes of Time and the River (Cr umb), 447
eclecticism, 496
economics, 44

American composers, 109, 126,
168, 170, 189, 233, 389–90,
490, 551
blues, 257
concert management, 166
concerts, 309
copyrighting of traditional
material, 268
Depression, 308–10
entertainment industry, 172
Fisk Jubilee Singers, 226
French Canadian settlements,
22, 24
gospel music, 341
industrialization and, 172, 173
jazz musicians, 298, 396, 533
Mason, L., 76–80
North American colonization, 20
occupations, musical, 79–80
opera productions, 111, 114–15
orchestras, 126, 183–85, 305–6
popular songs, 61
post–World War II, 388
professional musicians, early, 39,
45, 56, 79–80, 107
publishing industry, 107, 145–46
ragtime publications, 239
recording industry, 170–71, 233,
rock and roll, 413, 427
separation of business from
home, 146, 147
slavery, 86, 144
of song publishing, 414
theatrical companies, 60
Tin Pan Alley, 174, 176, 178
tunebook publishing, 33
women, 538
Eddy, Nelson, 234
edifi cation, concept of, 68–69, 78, 84,
106, 174, 389
applied to jazz, 535
concert hall and, 187
Fry’s lectures on music, 126
musical organizations and, 189
orchestral concerts and, 121, 184
publishing and, 176
Edison, Thomas A., 162c, 170, 180, 211
Edison company, 259–60
editing, 413
Edson, Lewis, 64
Ed Sullivan Show, 453
education, music
American conservatories and
colleges, 286, 389–91
classical training of popular
composers, 278, 322
in Europe, 125, 186, 188, 191, 238,
309, 310, 391
growth of, 172
jazz, 531–32
in jazz, 535
Mason’s work in, 76, 78–79
normal institutes, 79–80, 83
private teachers, 107, 238, 286

teacher-training conventions,
80, 83
“Eight Miles High” (the Byrds), 456
Einstein, Albert, 490
Einstein on the Beach (Glass), 450,
490, 498
El Capitan (Sousa), 168, 234
“El cayuco” (Puente), 403–5
Eldridge, Roy, 531
Election Day, 93, 94
electrical recording, 260
electric bass, 463
in, 541
in country music, 457, 458, 476
in norteño music, 519, 520
in 1970s funk, 478
in soul music, 461–63
in zydeco, 521, 523
electric guitar. See under guitar
electronic music, 392
Eleg y for J.F.K. (Stravinsky), 446
Elfman, Danny, 501–4, 513
Elijah (Mendelssohn), 83
elitism, 106
Ellington, Edward Kennedy “Duke,”
255 c, 298–303, 300 , 301 ,
328–30, 375, 400, 479, 500,
531, 532, 535
Elliott, Missy, 544
Ellstein, Abraham, 528
El Niño (Adams), 552
El Sistema, 551
Elson, Louis, 188
Ely, Joe, 539
emancipation songs, 152, 159
“Embraceable You” (Gershwin), 318
Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, 472
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 201
EMI Music, 548–49
Eminem, 544
Emmet, J. K., 271
Emmett, Daniel Decatur, 19c, 134, 135,
137, 138, 141, 157
encores, 167
Engel, Carl, 349
Engel, Lehman, 407
punk music in, 473
rock music in, 472
English and Scottish Popular Ballads, The
(Child), 162c, 216
English Folk-Song: Some Conclusions
(Sharp), 217
English horn, 325
English people
early settlers, 20, 31–36, 41
as professional musicians, 107
enriched harmony, 278
Ensembles for Synthesizer (Babbitt), 392
Enstone, Edward, 48
Entroducing... (DJ Shadow), 548
Ephrata, Pennsylvania, 39–42
Ephrata Cloister, 39–42
Episcopal Church. See Anglican
(Episcopal) Church

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