An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


EP, 507
equal temperament, 490
Erwin, Trudy, 373
Esquire (magazine), 432
Essays Before a Sonata (Ives), 196, 197, 201
Essex Musical Association (Salem), 66
Ethiopian Serenaders, 134–35
ethnicity, popular music and, 246
ethnography, American Indian,
ethnomusicolog y, 163c, 211–12, 215, 286
euphonium, 168
Fisk Jubilee Singers tour, 226
Protestant Reformation, 25
Europe, James Reese, 249 , 249–52,
298, 375
Evans, Bill, 406
Evans, Gil, 400, 401
event songs, 266
Evers, Medgar, 437
“Everybody’s Doing It Now” (Berlin),
246, 247
“experimental” music, 446
“Experiment in Modern Music”
concert, 322

Faberman, Hymie, 277
“Fables of Faubus” (Mingus), 400
fair use, 387c, 545–47, 549
Famous Flames, 459
Fanning, Shawn, 546
Fantasia (fi lm), 307
Fanueil Hall (Boston), 152
Fariña, Richard, 434
Farmington, Connecticut, 31
Farwell, Arthur, 195, 222 , 222–23
“Fascinating Rhythm” (Gershwin),
fascism, 389
fasola, 72
Father of the Blues (Handy), 258
Faubus, Orval, 400
Fay, Charles Norman, 185
Federal Music Project, 255c, 309
Federal Music Society, 55
Federal Project Number One, 309–10
Feinsmith, Sam, 277
Feldman, Morton, 395
feminism, 539
Fender, Freddy, 519
Fender Stratocaster guitar, 454
Fender Telecaster guitar, 458
Ferber, Edna, 275
Feria, Pedro Martin de, 21
fi ddle, 50; see also violin
black performers of, 87, 93, 96
in bluegrass, 415, 417
in Cajun music, 519
in country music, 343, 415,
419, 420
in dance music performances,
50, 123
double stops, 267
in jug bands, 337

in minstrel shows, 134, 135
in string bands, 266
in western swing, 346–48
Fiddler on the Roof (Bock, Harnick, and
Stein), 485
fi eld hollers, 89, 256, 416
fi eld music (or wind bands), 54–55, 115
Fields, Dorothy, 365
fi fes, 52, 54, 115
Fifteenth Amendment, 162c
50 Cent, 544
fi le sharing, 387c, 546–47
fi ll, 259
Filles de Kilimanjaro (Davis), 482
Fillmore, John Comfort, 211
fi lm and fi lm scores. See motion
fi lm musicals, 363–66
Fine, Vivian, 312
fi ngerpicking, 458
Firefl y, The (Friml), 234
Fireman’s Quadrille (Jullien), 122
First Church (Boston), 33
Fisher, Eddie, 427
Fisk Jubilee Singers, 162c, 226 , 226–28
Fisk University (Nashville), 226, 227
Fitzgerald, Ella, 441
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 497
Five Easy Pieces (fi lm), 500
Five Poems of Ancient China and Japan
(Griffes), 282
Flagstad, Kirsten, 307
Flathead Indian Reservation (Mon-
tana), 515
Flatt, Lester, 416–18
Fleetwood Mac, 473
Fletcher, Alice C., 163c, 210 , 210–12, 215
Fletcher, Ed (Duke Bootee), 510, 511
Fletcher Henderson Orchestra, 294,
298, 299
Flight into Eg ypt, The (Harbison), 497
Florida, Spanish settlement of, 21
Florodora, 235
Fogg y Mountain Boys, 417
folk counterculture, 434
folk hymns, 71–72
“folkies,” 435
folklorists, 351
folk song, 205, 317; see also folk revival;
urban folk song
early country music vs., 264
“folk opera,” 323, 539
folk revival, 357–59, 431–39
Folk-Song Society (Great Britain), 216
Folk Songs of the Southern Appalachians
(Sharp and Campbell),
163 c, 217
folk sphere, 439, 530
Folkways Recordings, 432; see also
Follies (Sondheim and Prince), 486
“Folsom Prison Blues” (Cash), 266
Foote, Arthur, 185
Ford, John, 367

of ballads, 45
Beach’s Gaelic Symphony, 189
in Berlin’s “Cheek to Cheek,”
365, 366
Berlin’s “That Mysterious Rag,” 247
blues, 258–59, 277, 287, 461, 462
Brown’s “Papa’s Got a Brand New
Bag,” 461, 462
Chadwick’s Symphonic Sketches,
and chord changes, 379
in dance music, 50
Danks’s Silver Threads Among the
Gold, 172–73
Ellington’s Diminuendo and
Crescendo in Blue, 329–30
Foster’s “Jeanie with the Light
Brown Hair,” 148
Gottschalk’s The Banjo, 125–26
Herbert’s songs, 234
Ives’s Concord Sonata, 201
in jazz, 535
Johnson’s “Walking Blues,” 335
of “Make Believe,” 276
Olivet, 81–82
Phile’s Hail Columbia, 55
popular song, 172, 247, 277
ragtime piano music, 239, 241
Root’s Battle Cry of Freedom, 157
Sousa marches, 168
Still’s Afro-American Symphony
(Still), 325
strophic song, 28, 45
in swing arrangements, 45
Wondrous Love, 74
of “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” 454
Forrest Theater (New York), 354
Fort Smith Symphony, 326
45, the (45-rpm single), 386c, 412–13, 481
Foss, Lukas, 446, 447
Foster, Mark, 448
Foster, Stephen C., 141 , 181, 236, 414, 502
minstrel songs of, 137, 140–42
parlor songs of, 148–50, 172, 197
quoted by other composers,
125–28, 187, 199, 246, 248, 311
4’ 33” (Cage), 395
four on the fl oor, 479
Four Saints in Three Acts (Thomson), 309
Fourteenth Amendment, 162c, 206
Fox Indian nation, 516
foxtrot, 245, 384, 498
France, religion in, 76
Franciscan order, 18c, 21
Franklin, Benjamin, 45, 59
Franklin, Peter, 45
Frank Sinatra Sings Only the Lonely, 415
“Freddie’s Dead” (Mayfi eld), 479
free blacks, 137
Freed, Alan, 386c, 424, 424
“free grace,” concept of, 68, 80
free jazz, 443, 482–83
Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan, The, 435–36
Freischütz, Der (Weber), 111, 231

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