An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Grass Dance, 515
Grateful Dead, 456, 538
Grattan, H. P., 133
Graupner, Catherine, 57
Great Awakening, 96
Great Basin Indians, 515
Great Britain
blackface minstrel tours of, 134
In Dahomey performances, 238
Fisk Jubilee Singers tour, 226
Greenfi eld’s performance in, 95
Johnson’s performances in, 95
military music, 56
singer-song writers from, 474
theater in, 58–60
Great Depression, 255c, 298, 303,
308–10, 313, 332, 341, 343,
344, 345, 346, 353–55, 410,
423, 457–58, 491, 539
player piano sales during, 241
Greater Virginia, early black music
making in, 96–97
Great Expulsion, 519
Great Gatsby, The (Harbison), 497
Great Migration, 294
“Great Pretender, The,” 548
Green, Cee Lo, 549
Green, Freddie, 377 , 377–78, 380
Green Day, 537
Greenfi eld, Elizabeth Taylor, 19c,
95, 95
Greenfi eld, Howard, 452
Greenwich, Ellie, 452
Greenwich Village, New York,
Greenwood, Mississippi, 437
Greer, Sonny, 301 , 302
Gregg Smith Singers, 37, 158
Grey Album, The (Danger Mouse),
548, 549
“Grey Tuesday,” 549
Grieg, Edvard, 167
Griffes, Charles Tomlinson, 282, 307
Grillo, Frank (Machito), 403
grizzly bear (dance), 250
Grofé, Ferde, 319, 321–22
groove, 479, 535, 543
Grounds and Rules of Music, Explained,
The (Walter), 31
Grubb, Frederik, 486
grunge, 537
“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah,”
29, 30
guitar, 50, 222
in, 540, 541
in big bands, 377–78
in bluegrass, 415, 416 , 417
in blues, 257, 333–35
in Cajun music, 521
in Carter Family’s music, 268
in country music, 268, 415, 419,
420, 475
in dance bands and orchestras, 299
electric, 346, 347 , 430, 453, 454,
458, 469, 470

in fi lm scores, 500
in jazz, 287
in jug bands, 337
in rhythm and blues, 421
in rock and roll, 425, 426
Jimmie Rodgers’s playing style, 273
in string bands, 266
in western swing, 347 , 348
Guittard, Laurence, 374
Gumbo Family, 135
Guns N’ Roses, 506
Gurrelieder (Schoenberg), 307
Guthrie, Woody, 255c, 350, 354 ,
354–59, 434, 435, 437, 453
Guy, Fred, 302
Guys and Dolls (Loesser), 406
Gypsy (Styne and Sondheim), 486
“Gypsy Laddie, The” (ballad),
216–20, 355

habanera rhythm, 101, 187
Hackley School for Boys
(Tarrytown), 282
Hadestown (Mitchell), 539
Hageman, Richard, 367
Hagen, Peter Albrecht von, 57
Hagen family, von, 57–58
Haggard, Merle, 458, 458 , 460–61, 474
Hahn, Hilary, 552, 552
Hail Columbia (Phile), 55, 122, 129, 166
“Hail to the Chief,” 122
Haiti, 123
Haley, Bill, and the Comets, 430
hallucinogens, 439
“hámaca, La” (Spanish song), 222
Hamblen, Stuart, 344
Hammer (MC Hammer), 544
Hammer, Jan, 484
hammered dulcimer, 50, 526
Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 275, 372–75,
406, 407, 486
Hammond, John, 337, 377
Hampson, Thomas, 551
Hampsong Foundation, 551
Hampton, Lionel, 421
Hampton University, 227
Hancock, Herbie, 483
hand clapping, 338
Handel, George Frideric, 53, 66, 68,
compositions of, 83, 118, 338
Handel and Haydn Society (Boston),
18 c, 77, 118–19, 121, 185, 188
Handy, W. C., 237, 257–58, 258 , 261–63,
Hanson, Howard, 325, 391
hapa haoli, 524
Harbison, John, 446, 497
Harburg, E. Y. “Yip,” 364, 414
hard bop, 402, 441
hardcore punk, 506–8
Hardin, Lilian, 288, 295 , 297
“Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall, A” (Dylan),
Hardwick, Otto, 302

Harlem Rag (Turpin), 239
Harlem Renaissance, 227, 324–25
Harmoneion Singers, 175
Harmoniemusik (for wind bands),
54–55, 115
harmonium. See reed organ
Harmon mutes, 325, 326, 389, 400
in barbershop quartets, 342
in Batman score, 502
block chords, 67
blues, 257–59
in brother duos, 343
in Carter Family’s music, 270
in Chester, 36, 38
in Ellington’s Diminuendo and
Crescendo in Blue, 329
European standards of, 77
in Foster’s “Jeanie with the Light
Brown Hair,” 148
in Gershwin’s s Rhapsody in Blue,
in hymnody, 82
in Ives’s music, 197, 198, 201
in jazz, 291, 400
in Joplin’s Maple Leaf Rag, 239, 241
in Kittredge’s “Tenting on the
Old Camp Ground,” 160
in MacDowell’s Woodland Sketches,
in minimalist music, 490
in Olivet, 82
of “Oye como va,” 469
of Parker’s “Yardbird Suite,” 397
in popular songs, 278
in progressive rock, 472
in Reich’s Daniel Variations, 554
rhythm changes, 379
in Sherburne, 64–66
in Southern hymns, 71
in Webster’s Sweet By and By, 174
in Wondrous Love, 74
in “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” 454
harp, 116
harpsichord, 50, 52
Harris, Charles K., 178–80
Harris, Roy, 306, 310, 367
Harris, Rutha Mae, 437
Harris, Wynonie, 421–23
Harrison, Benjamin, 237
Harrison, Lou, 393, 446, 491
Harry, Debbie, 473
Harry Smith Antholog y. See Antholog y
of American Folk Song
Hart, Lorenz, 278, 371–72, 414, 415
Hart, Mary Ann, 200
Harvard University (Cambridge), 309,
349, 391, 497
Hastings, Thomas, 19c, 81, 83, 119
Havana, Cuba, 114, 123, 129
Hawai’i, slack key guitar, 524–26
Hawaiian guitar, 274, 346, 524
Hawkins, Coleman, 298, 531
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 201
Hay, George D., 265

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